submit all the assignments in my desk,

33 English Tune-up How much improvement have you made after learning English in this unit? Write down your reflection in the space below. Put a check √ in the right columns according to how much you have learnt. Aspects Very much Much Little Expressions of request and command Writing memos Imperative sentences Vocabulary In this unit, you have learnt how to request someone and how to command someone to do something for you. You have also learnt about writing memos and imperative sentences. Key points: 1. Expressions of requests and response to requests Expressions of Requests Expressions of Response to Requests Would you mind …? Accepting the request: - No, I don’t mind. - No, not at all. Declining the request: - I am sorry. I have to do other things. Could you …? Accepting the request: - I will be glad to. - Sure. Can you …? Let ’s make a reflection. Let ’s summarise. 34 Unit 2: Help me to repair this. Will you … please? - No problem. - Alright. - Certainly. Declining the request: - I am afraid I cannot do that. - I wish I could do that for you, but … - It is impossible for me because … - I am so sorry. I cannot help you. - Sorry, I cannot.

2. Expressions of command and response to command

Expressions of Command Expressions of Response to Commands Repair this car, please. - Sure. - Alright. - Certainly. - Okay. Charge the accumulator. Check my tire, please. Bring that jack here. 3. Memos Memo is an informal or short name of memorandum. Memo is a message or other information in writing sent by one person or department to another in the same business organization. Notes: 1. You can add please to make your request and command more polite. 2. Command is more like an obligation or a compulsion. You have no choice but have to do that so there are no responses to decline the command. 35 English Tune-up The parts of a memo:

4. Imperative Sentences

Pattern: Examples:  Put this mechanic tool box in the cabinet.  Take over my job, please. MEMO To : the recipient or reader’s name. From : the sender or the writer’s name. Date : the time when the memo is written. Subject : what the memo is about or the memo’s topic Content of the memo or the main massage Closing and signature optional Heading Body Closing Verb V + Complement C + please optional V C V C 36 Unit 2: Help me to repair this. brake kb breɪk : rem customer kb ˈkʌs.tə.mə r : pelanggan division kb dɪˈvɪʒ. ə n : divisi financial ks f a ɪˈnæn. t ʃ ə l : keuangan forklift kb ˌfɔːk.lɪft : alat pemindah garage kb ˈgær.ɑːʒ : garasi bengkel immediately kk ɪˈmiː.di.ə : secepatnya maintenance kb ˈmeɪn.tɪ.nən t s : perawatan manager kb ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒə r : menejer repair kkt rɪˈpeə r : memperbaiki replace kkt rɪˈpleɪs : menggantikan truck kb trʌk : truk west kb west : barat Word Bank 37 English Tune-up UNIT 3 Does SJ 206 depart on time? Picture 1: In this unit, you will learn:  how to ask for information  how to thank and respond to thanks  public transportation schedules  itineraries