91.25 88.75 The Results of Need Analysis

However, the result of the interview with the teacher shows that the teacher’s roles in the classroom are as the tutor, supervisor, and facilitator. Teachers also explain the materials in details. Thus, it can be said that the teachers’ roles in teaching and learning activities are explaining the materials, as the main example before the activities, a corrector, a tutor, a supervisor, and a facilitator. 5 Students’ Roles Table 4.23: Student s’ Roles No. Statements Scale 1 2 3 4 SUM SUM In process of teaching and learning activities. you prefer to … 105 be an active student in classroom activities

11.25 88.75

106 find new things independently 8.75 91.25 Table 4.23 shows that 91.25 of students prefer to find new things independently in teaching and learning process. Students also want to be the active learners in the classroom. R : Baik, bu. Pertanyaan terakhir, menurut Ibu, peran guru didalam kelas seperti apa? Alright, ma’am. The last question, in your view, what are the teacher’s roles in the classroom? T : Guru itu tutor, pendamping, dan fasilitator. Selain itu, juga menjelaskan materi sejelas-jelasnya. A teacher is a tutor, supervisor, and facilitator. Moreover, a teacher also explains the materials in details. Appendix D

2. The Course Grid

After conducting the need analysis, then, the course grid was developed as the basis for materials writing based on the students’ needs and interest. It consists of seven parts namely topic, unit title, language function, language focus, indicators, learning activities, and input. The complete course grid is in the appendix E. Here are the explanations about the course grid for each unit.

a. Unit 1

The course grid for unit one has been developed based on the standard competence and basic competence of English subject for the tenth graders of vocational high schools, and the results of need analysis that had been conducted. The basic competences used are in point 1.2 that is mentioning things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years; and 1.3 that is describing things, people, characteristics, time, days, months, and years. However, this unit only focuses on mentioning and describing things. The first item of the course grid is the topic. In unit 1, the general topic is workshop equipment. Then, the second item is the unit title. Unit 1 is under the title of “It’s a car lift”. The unit title indicates the expression and also the topic that the students will learn in Unit 1. The next item in the course grid is the language function. This unit emphasize on expressions of asking and giving description of something. The fourth item is language focus. The language focus is divided into two parts namely grammar and vocabulary. For the grammar input, it emphasizes