Data Analysis Techniques RESEARCH METHOD

Then, after defining the mean, the results converted into the qualitative description. The result were analysed to describe the quality of the developed materials that fulfilled the standard as effective and appropriate English learning materials. To convert the scores into qualitative description used the formula proposed by Suharto 2005: 59 as follows: in which R : range Xh : the highest score Xl : the lowest score 4 : range of the Likert-scale Table 3.4: Table of Conversion from Quantitative Data to Descriptive Analysis Suharto, 2005: 52-53 Scales Interval Descriptive Categories 1 1 X ≤ 1.75 Poor 2 1.75 X ≤ 2.5 Fair 3 2.5 X ≤ 3.25 Good 4 3.25 X ≤ 4 Very Good

F. Research Procedure

In this research, the research procedure was adapted from the research procedure proposed by Water Dick and Lou Carey in Gall, Gall, and Borg, 2003: 570-571. The research procedure consists of ten steps: assess needs to identify goals, conduct instructional analysis, analyse learners and contexts, write � = �ℎ−�� 4 performance objectives, develop assessment instruments, develop instructional strategy, develop and select instructional materials, design and conduct formative evaluation of instruction, revise instruction, and design and conduct summative evaluation. However, Gall, Gall, and Borg 2003: 572 state that R D can be done in the small scale that involves just a few steps of the R D cycle. Then, only these steps are selected to be used in this research as follows.

1. Conducting need analysis

In this step, the researcher conducted the need analysis. The data needed by the researcher included the target needs and the learning needs Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 54; Nunan, 2004: 41. The data were based on the problems that should be solved and the skills and language features that should be practiced by the students.

2. Writing the course grid

After identifying the needs, the researcher needed to consider the materials that could interest the students to learn English using the developed materials which match with their needs and relevant with the standard competence and basic competence in the curriculum. Those are reflected in the course grid. The exercises, activities, and instructions were made considering the students’ level of language mastery and content understanding so the students are able to perform the task without any great difficulties.

3. Developing the materials the first draft

In this step, the materials were developed based on the course grid that had been written. Moreover, the researcher also considered the layout, type size, visuals, and fonts of the materials.

4. Getting the evaluation

After finishing the first draft, the evaluation of the materials is conducted through expert judgement. From the expert judgement, the suggestions and feedbacks were obtained to get the revision of the materials to develop the final draft of the materials.

5. Revising and writing the final draft

After analysing the result of expert judgement, then, the materials were evaluated and revised. The revised materials were as the final draft. 46


This chapter presents and describes the findings and the discussion of the research that have been conducted from February to July 2016. The research findings include the need analysis’s results, the course grid, the first draft of the materials, the expert judgement’s results, and the final draft of the materials.

A. Research Findings

1. The Results of Need Analysis

The first step in conducting Research and Development R n D was collecting the information of needs for the development. This step was done through need analysis which was conducted in SMK YAPPI Wonosari. The aim of conducting the need analysis was to figure out the target needs and the learning needs. The need analysis was conducted on February 26 th to February 27 th 2016. There were 80 male students in the tenth grade of automotive engineering study programme as the participants in collecting the information of the needs. Students were given questionnaires containing 106 questions. Interview was also conducted to support the data from the questionnaires. There were two parts in the need analysis questionnaire namely target needs and learning needs. The researcher used scales to know the percentage of the needs based on the students’ opinion. The scales were 1 for disagree, 2 for moderately agree, 3 for agree, 4 for strongly agree.