Background of the Study

English textbooks are also used in the subjects in their third year such as Fisika Zat padat, and Mekanika Fluida.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The focus of this study is to develop interactive vocabulary learning multimedia for the students of Physics Education Department Yogyakarta State University. It is designed for teen-adult users who want to improve their vocabulary mastery. The materials included in the media are some vocabularies related to the subject study of Fisika Zat Padat for sixth semester students of Physics Education Department Yogyakarta State University in class A. The third year students are selected since soon they are expected to end their study and in that limited time they have to master the Physics subject that they haven’t understand yet. The product is expected to be a supplementary source and media for vocabulary learning of students of Physics Education Department to be used especially outside of the classroom. By using interactive media, the learners are expected to be more engaged and emphasized in learning vocabulary and thus will help them in using English for their academic purpose.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on background of the problem, identification of the problem limitation of the problem above, the problems in this research are formulated as: 1. What are the target needs of students of Physics Education Department in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat? 2. What are the learning needs of students of Physics Education Department in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat? 3. What is the appropriate interactive vocabulary learning multimedia for students of Physics Education Department in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat?”

E. Objectives of the Study

In line with the formulation of the problem, the objective of this study are presented as follow: 1. To find out the target needs of students of Physics Education Department in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat. 2. To find out the learning needs of students of Physics Education Department in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat. 3. To develop appropriate interactive vocabulary learning multimedia for students of Physics Education Department in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat.

F. Significance

This study is expected to give some contributions to the English teaching and learning process at Physics Education Department Yogyakarta State University. The expected contributions are as follows: 1. The result of this study helps the students of Physics Education Department Yogyakarta State University in an effort to develop their vocabulary knowledge so they are able to develop their English proficiency to understand their textbook. 2. The result of this study is useful for Physics lecturer of Physics Education Department Yogyakarta State University in helping the teaching and learning process in the subject of Fisika Zat Padat by providing the students a multimedia for vocabulary learning to understand their textbook. 3. The result of this study is useful for English lecturer in providing the students of Physics Education Department Yogyakarta State University a multimedia for vocabulary learning to understand their textbook. It also motivates them to conduct a similar research and develop another interactive learning multimedia. 4. The result of this study is used as a reference to conduct a research related to a research and development study on different cases. 5. The result of this study is useful for other media developers for conducting similar research and developing other interactive multimedia that help English learning process especially in vocabulary learning.


This chapter presents a detailed discussion on some theories that supports the study. The discussion is divided into two sections which are literature review and conceptual framework. The first section describes some theories which present as a foundation for this study. The second section summarizes the researcher’s framework and the steps in designing interactive learning multimedia for listening materials.

A. Literature Review

1. Vocabulary

a. The Definition of Vocabulary

Hornby 2000: 144 defines vocabulary as: 1 all the words that a person knows or uses; 2 all the words in particular language; 3 the words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject; 4 a list of words with their meaning. In line with that, Samir 2007 states that, “vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words individual speakers of a language might use”. Native speakers used certain language which consists of words in their communication. The words of the native speaker used are enlisted in vocabulary.