The Course Grid Unit Design

5. The First Draft of the Interactive Multimedia

The first draft of the interactive multimedia was developed referring to the unit design. The complete draft can be seen in Appendix E, while the descriptions of basic part of the first draft of the interactive multimedia are presented below.

a. Start Screen

Start Screen is the first display appeared when the program is running. It contains the title and the designer of the media, the Yogyakarta State University logo, a start button, and an exit button. Below is the picture of the Start Screen. Figure 4.1. Start Screen

b. Home Page

After the Start Screen, there is a Homepage. It consists of the title of multimedia, the subject discussed, the textbook used, and some buttons linked to other page such as home, close, choose unit, dictionary, about the author, references, help, and music buttons. There are also home and close button. The picture of the page can be seen below. Figure 4.2. Home Page

c. Choose Unit Page

In this page, the users can choose the unit and task. A title of each unit is presented here. Each unit contains different target words but presented in the same task cycle which consists of introduction as an introduction, main part, and summary. There is an overview followed by Task 1 until Task 11 as the main part, and ended by summary of each unit. Below is the image of Choose Unit Page. Figure 4.3. Choose Unit Page

d. Overview Page

This page provides the users a preview about what they will learn in a specific unit. Even though each unit consists of different target words to be learned, but they have similar aspects in order to know a word. The picture of Overview Page can be seen below. Figure 4.4. Overview Page

e. Task 1

Task 1 is a page where the users are allowed to start knowing a word by giving them target words’ explanation. A text taken from the textbook given to the users in which it contain several target words. The text is divided into some parts. The explanation of the target words come in a form of flash cards. The flash cards appear by clicking on the underlined target words. Each flash card consists of the meaning, pronunciation, phonetic transcription, part of speech, the definition and often added with its cobuild definition. They are also used to give an explanation about the formulas and figures. The picture of the task is provided below. Figure 4.5. Task 1

f. Task 2

In this task, the users are asked to study the target words just like in Task 1. The text still has a continuance with that in Task 1 since they have similar topic. The text is separated due to the users preference gathered from the need analysis. The target words are also presented in flash cards. Below is the picture of the task. Figure 4.6. Task 2