Vocabulary for Students of Physics Education Department

b Moving text is more difficult to read than static text. c People read double-spaced text faster than single-spaced text. d Do not vary the type size by more than three points. e Lines of text should not be more than 40-60 characters. f Choose a simple typeface. Although we are used to Serif typefaces on paper, they are less legible on the computer screen. So, choose a Sans Serif font. g Use the same typeface throughout a project. You can vary the style to make text bold, italic, or underlined if you want to emphasize information. h Be consistent. Use the same font for information of the same type. When the font size changes, the reader assumes that a different kind of information is signaled and will pay attention. Use one font for all titles, another for all subheadings, and another for all buttons. i The font size should be readable. A font size between 9 and 12 points is the best. j A neat finish between lines of text, between letters, and in the margins. These blank spaces can interfere both with reading and with the look of your text. For a neat finish, you have to adjust letters to get the best fit. Spaces between lines of text, between letters, and in the margins can be adjusted to give a neat finish. 2 Audio Audio is used to simulate the use of sounds in the real context. Audio also used to make multimedia become more attractive to the users. Bhatnagar, Mehta and Mitra 2002:14 categorize audio into two. They are content and ambient sound. Content sound provides information to audiences, for example, dialogs in movies or theater. While ambient sound consists of an array of background and sound effects. a content sound: a Narration: Narration provides information about an animation that is playing on the screen. b Testimonials: These could be auditory or video sound tracks used in presentations or movies. c Voice-overs: These are used for short instructions, for example, to navigate the multimedia application. d Music: Music may be used to communicate as in a song. b ambient sounds: a Message reinforcement: The background sounds you hear in real life, such as the crowds at a ball game, can be used to reinforce the message that you wish to communicate. b Background music: Set the mood for the audience to receive and process information by starting and ending a presentation with music. c Sound effects: Sound effects are used in presentations to liven up the mood and add effects to your presentations, such as sound attached to bulleted lists. 3 Image Image or graphic is an important aspect of multimedia. The image used in multimedia can be a picture, painting, photograph, design, or the combination between them. Lee and Owens: 2004-127 mention that the graphic design standards include file type, file size, file-naming convention, and color range. Characteristic of graphics in multimedia is explained below. a They should advantageous to the content presentation and be simple in design. b They should not detract from textual information. c Graphics should be similar in size and placement, and any text that is included as call-outs must be readable. d Clarity and readability should not be dependent on color variations. There should not be more than four colors on a screen, and the entire course should use a palette of not more than seven colors. e The color use on screens should be consistent. f Manage color contrast appropriately: no red on black or blue on orange, and for most audiences minimal use of “hot” colors is best. 4 Animation Weiss, Knowlton and Morrison 2002:467-468 assert that what considered as animation is a sequence of image rapid display of 2-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. It is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in a number of ways. Presented below are five functions of animation in interactive multimedia. a cosmetic function: to make instruction attractive to learner, b attention gaining function: to gain the attention of learners at the beginning of and to signal salient points such as switching topics, c motivation function: to motivate learner when an incorrect answer is given, d presentation function: to provide a concrete reference and a visual context for ideas, and e clarification function: to provide a conceptual understanding without providing new information through visual. 5 Video Video in multimedia is a very important communication tool for presentations. It gives the users an illustration of ideas and concepts and also real world events. There are two choices of video in interactive multimedia which are using very short video clips not exceeding a minute or two and using highly compressed video files like MPEG or AVI files that can be transformed to MPEG files. Mishra and Reddi, 2004:46

c. Advantages of Interactive Learning Multimedia