Variabel Harga X Variabel Produk X Variabel Pelayanan X

Lampiran 3 : Output Uji Realibilitas dan Validitas menggunakan SPSS 11.5 for windows

1. Variabel Harga X

1 R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E A L P H A Mean Std Dev Cases 1. VAR00001 1.9848 .9197 66.0 2. VAR00002 2.4848 .6848 66.0 3. VAR00003 2.7424 .8825 66.0 N of Statistics for Mean Variance Std Dev Variables SCALE 7.2121 2.9389 1.7143 3 Item-total Statistics Scale Scale Corrected Mean Variance Item- Alpha if Item if Item Total if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted VAR00001 5.2273 1.6245 .3998 .2638 VAR00002 4.7273 1.7399 .4041 .1324 VAR00003 4.4697 1.6683 .3157 .2236 Reliability Coefficients N of Cases = 66.0 N of Items = 3 Alpha = .6314

2. Variabel Produk X

2 R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E A L P H A Mean Std Dev Cases 1. VAR00001 4.1970 .5608 66.0 2. VAR00002 4.5758 .5280 66.0 3. VAR00003 3.8485 .7695 66.0 N of Statistics for Mean Variance Std Dev Variables SCALE 12.6212 1.4697 1.2123 3 Item-total Statistics Scale Scale Corrected Mean Variance Item- Alpha if Item if Item Total if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted VAR00001 8.4242 .9865 .3515 .1344 VAR00002 8.0455 .9979 .3830 .1831 VAR00003 8.7727 .6706 .3642 .1308 Reliability Coefficients N of Cases = 66.0 N of Items = 3 Alpha = .7902

3. Variabel Pelayanan X

3 R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E A L P H A Mean Std Dev Cases 1. VAR00001 3.3182 .7876 66.0 2. VAR00002 3.3939 .8749 66.0 3. VAR00003 3.3030 .9110 66.0 N of Statistics for Mean Variance Std Dev Variables SCALE 10.0152 4.1690 2.0418 3 Item-total Statistics Scale Scale Corrected Mean Variance Item- Alpha if Item if Item Total if Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted VAR00001 6.6970 2.3068 .5191 .6168 VAR00002 6.6212 2.3312 .4013 .7559 VAR00003 6.7121 1.7466 .6614 .4132 Reliability Coefficients N of Cases = 66.0 N of Items = 3 Alpha = .7028

4. Variabel Keputusan Konsumen Y