Aktivitas Pembelajaran Modul KK D2 B Ing SMA Revisi Harris

called, the Kid paid no heed and kept right on nibbling the tender grass. A little later when he lifted his head, the flock was gone. He was all alone. The sun was sinking. Long shadows came creeping over the ground. A chilly little wind came creeping with them making scary noises in the grass. The Kid shivered as he thought of the terrible Wolf. Then he started wildly over the field, bleating for his mother. But not half-way, near a clump of trees, there was the Wolf The Kid knew there was little hope for him. Please, Mr. Wolf, he said trembling, I know you are going to eat me. But first please pipe me a tune, for I want to dance and be merry as long as I can. The Wolf liked the idea of a little music before eating, so he struck up a merry tune and the Kid leaped and frisked gaily. Meanwhile, the flock was moving slowly homeward. In the still evening air the Wolfs piping carried far. The Shepherd Dogs pricked up their ears. They recognized the song the Wolf sings before a feast, and in a moment they were racing back to the pasture. The Wolfs song ended suddenly, and as he ran, with the Dogs at his heels, he called himself a fool for turning piper to please a Kid, when he should have stuck to his butchers trade. Answer the questions based on the text. 1. Who are the participants in the story? 2. What is the orientation of this story? 3. What is the complication? 4. How is the complication resolved? 5. How is the ending?

E. Latihan

Buatlah satu rencana pembelajaran text naratif menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang menerapkan salah satu model pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari

F. Rangkuman

1. Pemilihan atau penentuan model pembelajaran bergantung pada pendekatan yang akan dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran. sangat dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik Kompetensi Dasar KD, tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam pengajaran, sifat dari materi yang akan diajarkan, dan tingkat kemampuan peserta didik. 2. Kurikulum 2013 menggunakan 3 tiga model pembelajaran utama Permendikbud No. 103 Tahun 2014yang diharapkan dapat membentuk perilaku saintifik, perilaku sosial serta mengembangkan rasa keingintahuan. Ketiga model tersebut adalah: model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Problem Based Learning, model Pembelajaran Berbasis Projek Project Based Learning, dan model Pembelajaran Melalui PenyingkapanPenemuan DiscoveryInquiry Learning.Disamping model pembelajaran di atas dapat juga dikembangkan model pembelajaran Production Based EducationProduction Based TrainningPBEPBT sesuai dengan karakteristik pendidikan menengah kejuruan 3. Tidak semua model pembelajaran tepat digunakan untuk semua KDmateri pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran tertentu hanya tepat digunakan untuk materi pembelajaran tertentu. Sebaliknya materi pembelajaran tertentu akan dapat berhasil maksimal jika menggunakan model pembelajaran tertentu.Oleh karenanya guru harus menganalisis rumusan pernyataan setiap KD, apakah cenderung pada pembelajaran penyingkapan DiscoveryInquiry Learning atau pada pembelajaran hasil karya Problem Based Learning dan Project ;Based Learning.

G. Refleksi dan Tindak Lanjut Refleksi

1. Apa saja yang sudah Anda pelajari dari kegiatan pembelajaran ini? 2. Bagaimanakah Anda akan menggunakan teks-teks naratif tersebut untuk mengajar?