Interactive PowerPoint Application for Multiple Choices IPA-MC

answer for each question and compare them with their own answers. The following figure was the certificate slide informing about the user result score. Figure 4.18 Certificate Slide Certificate slide was designed to inform the user about their result score in the exercises they have done. When the user arrived to this slide, first thing to do was clicked the certificate button. Therefore, automatically the name and the score will change into the user’s ID and result score. If the certificate button was not clicked, the user ID and score did not appear.

b. Interactive PowerPoint Application for Multiple Choices IPA-MC

Almost similar to IPA-TF, the components that were utilized in this program were home slide, instruction slide, reading text slide, question slide, and certificate slide. What made different were the answer key slide, the question slide and the feedback dialog balloon. The answer key of IPA-TF was set in one slide. In contrast, the answer key of IPA-MC exercise was not set in different slide since it was hyperlinked in each option. Each question slide of true false exercise consisted of ten questions while one question slide of multiple choices exercise was for one question only. There were no feedback dialog balloon in true false exercise due to the feedback appeared at the end of the show that was put at the bottom of the question slide. Contrarily, the feedback in multiple choices exercise appeared in each question slide right after the user chose the option. The following figures were the example of multiple choices exercise that was applied in Unit 2. Figure 4.19 Home slide Figure 4.21 is the example of home slide for multiple choices exercise. Similar to the home slide of true false exercise, the first thing to do in this home was logging in by clicking the start button. After the user ID was typed, the instruction slide automatically appeared. Figure 4.20 Instructions Slide of IPA-MC Generally, the instruction slide of IPA-MC was almost similar to the instruction slide in IPA-TF. The difference was on the way to choose the alternative. In IPA-MC there were four alternatives and each alternative was hyperlinked to the feedback. The user must choose one correct alternative among four alternatives. After all the questions were completely answered, the next thing to do in certificate slide was similar to the one in IPA-TF. Figure 4.22 describes all instructions that must be done in IPA-MC. When the user has finished reading the instructions and clicked the navigation button, the next slide coming out was reading text slide. Figure 4.21 Reading Text The reading text in the designed learning model was generally short and simple. The topic was related to the syllabus. Figure 4.23 is the example of reading text in Unit 2 about time and date. At the bottom of the text, there were some numbers that were hyperlinked into the question slide. Some words that were considered less frequent in the reading text were hyperlinked into annotation. Therefore the annotation could help the user in comprehend the reading text. The following figure was the example of annotation slide. Figure 4.22 The Annotation Slide The annotation slide in figure 4.24 contains of vocabularies that were considered as less frequent for the students. Beside the vocabulary were linked to the Indonesian meaning, they also connected to the pictures that could represent the definition of the vocabulary. The annotation was the method to memorize the less frequent words effectively. Therefore, the student was helped to comprehend the text well. To check the student’s comprehension, the following figure described the example of reading comprehension question. Figure 4.23 Interactive PowerPoint Application for Multiple Choices IPA-MC Figure 4.25 is the example of question slide in IPA-MC. The components that were employed were “read the text” button, score, question, optionsalternatives, confirm button, and navigation buttons. The “read the text” button was hyperlinked to the reading text slide. Score was put on the right top at the corner of the slide. It informed the accumulated score. Question was typed at the top of the slide under the “read the text” button. Under the question, there were four options that have been hyperlinked to the feedback. All the options were in blue color and underlined. It indicated that the options were hyperlinked. At the bottom, there were confirm button and navigation button. The confirm button was clicked after the option was selected. This button was aimed to show the feedback of the selected option. After the user has finished with the slide, the navigation button was clicked. The right arrow was to move forward and the left arrow was to move backward. At the end of the slide show, there was certificate slide. Figure 4.24 Certificate Exercises Figure 4.26 is the example of certificate slide. What to do in this slide was similar to the certificate slide at the true false slide. The user must click the certificate button once he or she arrived at this slide to see their own score.

c. Interactive PowerPoint Application for Mytext IPA-MT