Interactive PowerPoint Application 1PA

The technological components such as pictures, hypertext links, action buttons, Kiosk mode, macros, and saving as PowerPoint Show are applied in the Interactive PowerPoint Application.

c. Interactive PowerPoint Application 1PA

The Interactive PowerPoint Application IPA that was utilized in this study was designed by Dwijatmoko 2015, in print. The researcher adjusted the application with the suitable contents for teaching reading in Junior High School. What was designed by the researcher in this study was the content material applied in the Interactive PowerPoint Application. There are five activities that can be done with IPA. They are Multiple Choices MC, True False TF, Cloze Text CT, Scrambled Sentence SS, and Matching M. In each designed learning model, there are certain parts that must be considered; home slide, instruction slide, and certificate slide. • Home slide To access the Interactive PowerPoint Application IPA, the user firstly signs in by typing the username. The user can access this at the first slide of the IPA. Once the user click “START” button, the dialog box asking the user name appears. Figure 2.1 Home slide of Interactive PowerPoint Application • Instruction slide After signing in by typing the username, the next slide that appears is instruction slide. In this slide, some steps to operate the program are provided. The user must read carefully each instruction provided there. Figure 2.2 Instruction slide of Interactive PowerPoint Application • Certificate slide This slide appears at the end of the slideshow. In this slide, the result of the user’s exercise is accumulated. Some options are provided there such as “certificate”, “print”, “e-mail”, and “quit”.  “Certificate” provides the result score of the exercise.  “Print” is an option for the user to print the certificate.  “e-mail” is an option for the user to send the result score to another e-mail address.  “quit” is an option to quit from the slideshow. Figure 2.3 Certificate slide of Interactive PowerPoint Application Those three slides are always included in each exercise in the IPA. The following are some exercises that applicable in the IPA: 1 Interactive PowerPoint Application for Multiple Choice IPA-MC Nation 2009 states multiple-choice questions can focus on details microstructure and on more general aspects macrostructure of the text, although some researchers have found difficulty in using multiple-choice to measure global comprehension. Multiple-choice tests only involve reading and so the measurement is less likely to be affected by writing skill than it is in a short answer test. In the IPA-MC, each slide consists of one question. The question slide is linked to the reading slide and vice versa. This hyperlink enables the user to find the answer from the text easily. Figure 2.4 Reading Text Slide in the IPA-MC The reading passage in the IPA-MC is limited to two or three paragraphs. It will not be effective if the reading passage is too long because it will reduce the font size of the reading passage. If the font size is too small, it will complicate the user when reading the passage. Therefore, a designer must consider the length of the reading passage before it is used in the PowerPoint slide. The numbers in the reading slide is hyperlinked to the question slide. This hyperlink can be adjusted into some questions depend the designer want. The Hyperlinked to the questions slide background of the slide can also be changed easily into other PowerPoint background as the designer wish. Figure 2.5 Question Slide of IPA-MC To edit the template in this slide, the designer has to click “developer” on the toolbar, choose “macros”, and there will be some words listed in the dialog box. Choose “ShowItAll” then the display will be appear as in figure 2.5. In the question slide, it consists of several components such as question number, read the text button, question, alternatives, feedback box, answer key box, score, time, clue box, confirmation button, and navigation button. • Question number shows what number of the question is. • Read the text button is hyperlinked to the reading passage slide. • Question shows the comprehension question related to the text. Read the text button Question number Questio n Alternative s Navigation button Confirmation button Clue box feedback box Answer key box time score • Alternatives are the options of the answer. They are hyperlinked to the feedback box. • Feedback bo x consists of two feedbacks; correct and incorrect. If the user clicks the wrong answer, the feedback box will show “sorry you’re incorrect”. If the user chooses the right answer, the feedback box will show “excellent you’re correct”. • Answer key box is responsible for the correct answer. For example, if the correct answer is C, type the letter C on the keyword box. It will automatically proceed to the other alternatives A, B, and D as incorrect answer. • Score shows the result that the user get. The designer can adjust it as he or she wishes. For correct answer it equals with 1 point, for incorrect answer the total score will be reduced with 0.2 point for instance. • Countdown Timer shows how long the user answers the question. This will help the user to speed up their reading rate. • Clue box is effective for helping the user to choose the correct answer. When they click the alternative before they click confirmation button, the clue will appear automatically. This helps the user to consider whether the chosen answer is correct or incorrect. • Confirmation button is responsible to execute the user’s chosen answer. The user can still change their chosen answer before they click the confirmation button. • Navigation button helps the user to move to the preceding slide or the next slide. 2 Interactive PowerPoint Application for True False IPA-TF True false was a reading activity that can be applied in to measure comprehension. Interactive PowerPoint Application provided this type of reading activity that was called Interactive PowerPoint for True False IPA-TF. Figure 2.6 Question Slide of IPA-TF In the statement slide, it consists of several components such as score, number of the statements, statements, true-false buttons, submit button, read the text button and navigation button. • Score shows the result of the correct answer. • Number of statement shows the number of the statements. • Statements deal with the text that is hyperlinked to the statement slide. The user is expected to determine whether it is true or false. • True-false button is functioned as the options to respond the statements. • Submit button is functioned as the execution of all answered that are chosen. • Read the text button is hyperlinked to the reading text. • Navigation button helps the user to move to the other slides. All of the PowerPoint components for were contributing to the IPA. After setting up the components for the questions slide, it is time to set the answer key. To set the answer key for true IPA-TF the researcher wrote down the letter T for True answer and F for False answer. Those two letters were typed next to the number. The following figure was the example of the answer key of IPA-TF. Figure 2.7Answer Key Slide of IPA-TF The answer key slide is responsible for the correct answers. This slide helps the designer to decide the score that will be reached by the user. For example if statement number 1 is supposed to be TRUE, but the user click FALSE F button, then the score will be decreased. What the designer needs to do is writing down all the correct answer in this slide with format number and T or F without space between the number and the capital letter. Afterward, click “slide show” button and choose “encrypt” button. Finally, press the escape button to end the show. If the designer wants to edit the answer key, click the “slide show” button, choose decrypt and press “esc” button. Do not forget to encrypt them again. 3 Interactive PowerPoint Application for Cloze Text IPA-CT Close text was another reading activity that was suitable to measure students’ comprehension and enrich vocabulary. The third Interactive PowerPoint application that was offered was Interactive PowerPoint for Cloze Text IPA-CT. Figure 2.8 Answer Key Slide of IPA-CT In figure 2.8, the answer key of the close text was written in paragraphs. One paragraph stands for one slide. The paragraphs are written completely in the slide. The words that are chosen for the answers are written in the brackets: [ ]. After that they are encrypted into another code. Due to the texts are encrypted, the close text is working in another slides. The following figure is the example of cloze text question. Figure 2.9 Question Slide of IPA-CT In this slide, the chosen words that are written in brackets in the answer keyslide is automatically turned into blanks. To answer each question, the user must click each blue number at the bottom of the slide. After the answer is typed, there is a notification that informs whether the answer is correct or incorrect. If the answer correct, the score is 1. If the answer is incorrect, the score is decreased into 0.3 point. The score can be seen at the right corner above the text. If the questions have been answered completely, the user can move to the next slide by clicking the navigation button at the right corner at the bottom. 4 Interactive PowerPoint Application for Scrambled Sentence IPA-SS Scrambled sentence was a reading activity that measured students’ comprehension and grammar skill. Interactive PowerPoint Application was available for this type of reading activity. It was known as Interactive PowerPoint Application for Scrambled Sentence IPA-SS. Figure 2.10 Answer Key Slide of IPA-SS In this slide, the complete sentences are written in one slide. The sentences no need to be encrypted. Therefore, there are no encrypt button and decrypt button in this slide. Without being encrypted, the macro can run well in this slide. The following is the example of scrambled word slide. Figure 2.11 Question Slide of IPA-SS This slide consists of many components such as the word button, submit button, reset button, overview button, number of the question, score button, feedback dialog balloon, and navigation button. The word button consists of each word in one sentence that has been scrambled. The user just needs to arrange those words into one correct sentence. Each button that has been click appears in the overview button. If the user makes wrong order of the button and wants to revise it, the reset button must be click. After the words are ordered into one sentence, click the submit button and the result answer will be showed through the feedback dialog balloon. After the result answer appears, the score is automatically changed. If it is correct answer, it will increase 1 point, if it is incorrect answer it will decrease 0.3 point. 5 Interactive PowerPoint Application for Matching IPA-M Matching was another reading activity that was suitable to measure students’ reading comprehension and vocabulary. There were two slides of Interactive PowerPoint Application for Matching IPA-M including the answer key slide and question slide. Figure 2.12Answer Key of IPA-M The answer key in matching activity is written completely. The question and the answer are connected with an equal sign =. After all questions and answers are written completely, they are encrypted into another code. The effect of encrypted texts can be seen in the following figure. Figure 2.13 Questions Slide of IPA-M This slide consists of some components such as question button, option button, score button, result, feedback dialog balloon, navigation button, and instruction. The user needs to click the questions on the left side and match it with the answers on the right side. One question is matched with one option. Once the question button and the option button are clicked, the feedback dialog balloon appears immediately. The result will appear at the top of the questions. Only the question with correct answer appears in the slide. Navigation slide is clicked to move to the next slide.

5. Instructional Design Model