Teacher’s Interview Research and Information Collecting

researcher conducted interview to the English teacher to find out the reason why the result was very low.

d. Teacher’s Interview

The researcher did not only distribute questionnaire to the students to conduct need analysis. Conducting interview with the teacher was another way to conduct need analysis. The interview was conducted to know deeper understanding about students’ need. The researcher conducted the interview on Saturday the 30 th of August 2014 at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The result of the interview can be seen in the appendix 13. The following is the discussion of the interview with the English teacher regarding the students’ need. In the beginning of the interview, the researcher tried to find out about students’ competence in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. In this case, the students were seven graders. The teacher described the students’ competence as varies but great. “Actually they are very varies but most of them are great. For example if we ask them to memorize words, to search something in internet for example to search the example of notice and other short functional texts, they are very enthusiastic to do that. I love them very much.”see appendix 13. The students were active and they were able to follow teacher’s instruction at school with great enthusiasm. Importantly, the students can understand and explain various short functional texts that became parts of the material written in the syllabus. More specifically, the students’ competence in reading skill is good enough because the teacher has given vocabulary building to the students in every meeting. This indicated that the role of vocabulary in teaching reading is important. “… because I force them to memorize a lot of words, so I hope they will be richer and richer than before. So, when they have to read certain text, most of them do not find problems because of the vocabularies.” see appendix 13 Although the method of vocabulary building for the students was quite old fashioned, students’ must follow the teacher instruction in order to enrich their vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher considered to design learning media for vocabulary building that was fun for the students. To build the students’ competence, the teacher must concern about the students’ characteristics. Therefore, the next information that was found out by the researcher was about the students’ characteristics in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Since they are seven graders, their age range is about 13-14 years old. Mostly they are active in class, but some of them were too shy to show up. The teacher needs to stimulate the shy students to make them speak in the class. “Most of them are active students but well still few of them there are … maybe because they are shy, they just keep silent in class. But if we ask them to say something, they will say.” see appendix 13. Specifically, most of the students are confident enough with their reading skill. They can pronounce and understand the meaning of the vocabulary quite well. The teacher believed that the vocabulary test that she gives every week is effective to enrich the students’ vocabulary mastery. Therefore, they would not find problems when they have to deal with reading texts. After talking about students’ characteristics, the researcher wondered to know about the teaching learning process in the class. The teacher explained that she always tries to combine the English skills in each meeting. Therefore, in each teaching learning activities, she involved speaking, reading, listening, and writing, even grammar. “I tried to make them equal in class, I mean the four skills. So I will try to improve in balance between speaking, reading, writing and listening.” see appendix 13. The teacher realized that learning English is not only about how to learn the language skill but rather how they use the language as a means of communication. Therefore, the teacher never teach each language skill partly but rather combined them in one meeting. To know what kind of activities in reading class were, the researcher asked the teacher for describing it. The teacher described that in reading class; she gives text to the students and asks the students to answer the questions related to the text see appendix 16. Another example, she instructs the students to search the example of certain short functional text they are studying at school in the internet. Then, each student must explain it in front of the class to make sure that they can comprehend the content of the text well. The teacher also tries to build not only teacher-student interaction but also student-student interaction in the class. However, based on the observation the researcher has done previously, the interaction between student and student is hardly seen in the class because the teacher still keeps on teacher-centered learning see appendix 16. This obstacle must be realized by the teacher if he or she wants to create learner autonomy. Another teaching obstacle that the teacher explained was about the dependency on dictionary. Based on the interview, it can be concluded that the dependency of the students toward dictionary in English class is quite high. The teacher said that every time the students find difficult words, they must find out them in the dictionary. Therefore, when the students do not have dictionary with them in English class, they must borrow it in the library. The next information that the researcher dig up from the teacher was about the students’ need. The teacher believed that when learning English, the students need to master not only specific English skill but the combination of all English skills.For example, in reading mastery, students need to understand what they are reading. To comprehend the reading text, what the students need is not only vocabulary but also grammar. Therefore, they will not find problems in comprehending reading text. “I told them that learning English is the mastery of it. It means the language. So, not only reading, but also the grammar in order to be able to use it as a means of communication. Of course not only speaking, but also if they have to read they understand what they are reading, if they have to speak they know what words they have to choose, if they hear something they know what someone talk to them is.”see appendix 13. The teacher considered that students needed not only one specific language skill only but the whole language skill as a means of communication. Therefore, the teacher always kept combining almost whole language skills in each teaching learning activity. The goal of learning English is to communicate using the target language, not to master the concept of the target language. Since this study is dealing with technology as the learning media, the researcher wondered about the integration of technology in English class in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The teacher explained that she also integrates technology in teaching learning activities. She utilizes LCD that is set in each class to support the teaching learning activities. She also utilizes language lab that is completed with a set of listening tools such as radio tape, speakers and computer set. However, she never utilizes computer lab for encouraging the teaching learning activities. Lastly, the teacher told about the expectation on the Interactive PowerPoint that is used for teaching reading. She expected that the designed learning media can help the students to be more focus on comprehending the reading text. If each student has one computer, it will be easier for them to focus on understanding the reading text. In brief, the teacher informed that the students’ need was English as a communication means including the language skills. Therefore the teacher considered combining the language skills in each teaching learning activities. It indicated that the teacher expected that the researcher should provide teaching learning activities combining the language skills in one meeting. Moreover, the use of computer lab was not maximized by the teacher to support teaching learning activities. The researcher thus considered that teaching English through Interactive PowerPoint would be a new method for the grade 7 students in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. In addition, although the focus of this study was reading skill, the learning model must be designed by combining the other language skills too.

2. Planning