Main Field Testing Product Revision

The suggestions that were offered from the experts were the setting of the size and color of the font, the material presentation and the animation. The experts suggested that the color of the title must be changed from red into another softer color, and the standard of the font size and color must be set. The experts also suggested that the material in the Presentation Section must be presented in straight to the points since it was different from conventional reading form. Lastly, some animations needed to be inserted in the slides to make the users were attracted to the Interactive PowerPoint Application.

6. Main Field Testing Product Revision

After the designed learning model was developed through the feedback from the experts of English material and educational technology, it was the time to implement the designed learning model to the users. The users in this study were students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta class 7G. There are 34 students in class 7G consisting of 17 female students and 17 male students. The designed learning model was implemented three times in November 2014. The researcher utilized the computer laboratory each Saturday. There are 40 computers in the laboratory. It means each student could occupy one computer for themselves. The teaching learning process was described in the lesson plan see appendix 2. After the implementation of designed learning model was finished, the post- implementation questioner was distributed to the students. There were 2 students who were absent in the class on the day the researcher distributed the questionnaire. Therefore, the data that were analyzed in this study was only 32 questionnaires. Since the questionnaire was based on Likert scale, the interpretation of the converted score is similar to the interpretation of the Expert Validation questionnaire. The analyzed data can be interpreted as the following explanation. With the total maximum point 5, the designed learning model was considered as very good and no revision needed if the response rate of 70 percent out of the total maximum point was considered as very high. Therefore, the range score was 3.50 – 5.00. The designed learning model was considered as good and needs to be explored more if the response rate of 60 percent out of the total maximum point was considered as high. Thus, the range point was 3.00 – 3.49. The designed learning model is considered as poor and needs to modify if the response rate of 50 percent out of the maximum point was considered as adequate. Then, the range score was 2.50 – 2.99. The designed learning model was considered as very poor and need a replacement the response rate below 50 percent out of the maximum point. The range score was 0.00 – 2.49. The detailed result of the user’s opinion questionnaire is elaborated in the following table. Table 4.11 The Result of Main Field Testing Questionnaire No Statement Mean Criteria 1. I have more motivation in learning English by using Interactive PowerPoint Application 4.19 Very Good 2. Learning English is more interesting by using Interactive PowerPoint Application 4.38 Very Good 3. I enjoy learning English by using Interactive PowerPoint Application 4.19 Very Good 4. I feel more confident in learning reading 4.13 Very Good 5. By using Interactive PowerPoint Application I am responsible for my own learning 3.91 Very Good 6. By using Interactive PowerPoint Application I learn how to be an independent learners 4.13 Very Good 7. The feedback in Interactive PowerPoint Application helps the students to develop the reading skill. 4.34 Very Good 8. I am able to apply what I have learn to the real-life activities 3.84 Very Good 9. The material presented in the Interactive PowerPoint reflect the real-life activities 4.00 Very Good 10. The Interactive PowerPoint provides activities that similar to students’ real life. 4.00 Very Good 11. The material in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is suitable with the learning material at school 3.94 Very Good 12. Interactive PowerPoint Application is able to develop my reading skill 4.28 Very Good 13. Interactive PowerPoint Application gives me opportunity to practice my reading skill 4.25 Very Good 14. Interactive PowerPoint Application provides reading strategies to learn reading skill 4.22 Very Good 15. Interactive PowerPoint Application encourages the students to do problem solving in reading skill 4.03 Very Good 16. In the Check Your Understanding Section I do discussion with my peer. 4.25 Very Good 17. I am able to practice the reading skill and other English skills using Interactive PowerPoint Application 4.13 Very Good 18. The Exercise PowerPoint Application helps me to develop my reading skill 4.16 Very Good 19. I open the annotation in the reading text to understand the meaning of the vocabulary 4.15 Very Good 20. I will repeat the material until I understand them clearly 4.11 Very Good 21. The Instruction slide helps me much in operating the Interactive PowerPoint Application 3.93 Very Good 22. I can monitor how far I understood about the material by attempting the exercises in the Interactive PowerPoint Application 4.11 Very Good 23. I open the Presentation Section before attempting the Exercises PowerPoint 4.33 Very Good 24. I learn more about the use of technology for language teaching by using Interactive PowerPoint Application 3.78 Very Good 25. The Interactive PowerPoint Application is easy to navigateuse. 3.96 Very Good 26. The material in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is easy to read 3.93 Very Good 27. The instruction in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is clear 3.82 Very Good 28. The learning model has consistency. Layout, font color and size, and capitalization are consistent. 4.26 Very Good 29. Interactive PowerPoint Application can be used inside and outside class 4.22 Very Good 30. I want to learn English using Interactive PowerPoint Application again 4.22 Very Good The questionnaire contains of several indicators that reflects the students’ needs and background, the characteristics of well-designed software, and the pedagogical aspects. Those pedagogical aspects can also be used to answer the second minor research question which covers the pedagogical aspects developing in the designed learning model. The indicators that contain the students’ need and background were elaborated in questions 11 – 13. The material in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is suitable with the learning material at school 3.94. This means that the material needed to be modified. The researcher, then, interviewed some students that can represent the participants’ explanation. Based on the interview result, some students stated that almost all material is suitable with the topic they are learning at school. However, they could not explain which part of the material in the Interactive PowerPoint Application that was not suitable with the topic they were learning at school. The students agreed that Interactive PowerPoint Application is able to develop their reading skills 4.28. It means that the designed learning model is successful to help the user to develop their reading skill. It is because Interactive PowerPoint Application gives the users opportunity to practice their reading skill 4.25. The Exercise section has a good impact for the users to practice their reading skill. The next indicators that contain in the questionnaire are the characteristics of well-designed software. These indicators can be found at the back of the questionnaire, they were in number 25 – 29. The Interactive PowerPoint Application is easy to navigateuse 3.96. The component contained in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is action button that helps the user easily to navigate the Interactive PowerPoint Application. Besides, another characteristic of well-designed software is that the material in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is easy to read 3.96. The researcher has chosen the reading texts that were suitable for the students in grade 7. Each reading text was applied in one slide in order to make the user easily to read the text. In addition, to help the reader in understanding several difficult words, the reading text was annotated to another slide that provides the meaning of the words. Therefore, through the annotation, the reading text can easily to read. The instruction in the Interactive PowerPoint Application is clear 3.82. Instruction is really important since it influences the success of teaching learning activities. If the instruction is not clear, the activities cannot be successful. In the Interactive PowerPoint, the instructions were written in one slide, in the beginning of the PowerPoint. The user can read them all as long as possible to understand well. The learning model has consistency 4.26. The consistency in this study dealt with the use of layout, font color and size, and capitalization that were consistent. The last Question related to well-designed software is the flexibility. Interactive PowerPoint Application can be used inside and outside class 4.22. It means that the users agreed that Interactive PowerPoint Application can be accessed everywhere. The next indicators that contained in the questionnaire were the pedagogical aspects. Those pedagogical aspects were based on Egbert 1999. The first pedagogical aspect was learners have opportunities to interact and negotiate meaning. This pedagogical aspect appeared in the question number 23. I open the Presentation Section before attempting the Exercises PowerPoint 4.15. In this case, the user has made an interaction with the learning media and the learning material at the same time. The interaction with the learning material was the attempt to negotiate the meaning of each topic they were learning. Second pedagogical aspect was the interaction with the authentic audiences using the target language. The pedagogical aspect was included in the question number 16 stating “In the Check Your Understanding Section I do discussion with my peer.” with the result score 4.25. All the material from the Presentation Section was applied in the Check Your Understanding Section. There were some reading activities included in this section such as true false or multiple choices. The users were instructed to do the reading activities and discuss with their peers using the target language. Based on the result score, it can be concluded that Interactive PowerPoint Application contained of second pedagogical aspect, i.e. interact the target language with the authentic audience. The third pedagogical aspect was involving the learners in the authentic task. It means that the designed learning model can involve the learners in the authentic task. This pedagogical aspect was included in the question number 10. The Interactive PowerPoint Application provides activities that similar to students’ real life. The converted score in this question was 4.00. It means that most of the users agreed that the activities in the Interactive PowerPoint Application contains of activities that similar to students’ real life. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Interactive PowerPoint Application allowed the users to be involved in the authentic task. The fourth pedagogical aspect was producing varied and creative language. This pedagogical aspect appeared in the question number 17. The user was able to practice the reading skill and other English skills using Interactive PowerPoint Application 4.13.Although the focus of designing the learning model was to develop students’ reading skill; it does not mean that the other language skills were not concerned. The designed learning model can also support other language skills such as speaking, writing, grammar and vocabulary. For instances, on the post-activities, the students were instructed to write a short text dealing with the topic they were learning in MyText Interactive PowerPoint. Therefore, it can be said that Interactive PowerPoint Application covered the fourth pedagogical aspect. Through the designed learning model, the students can produce varied and creative language. “Interactive PowerPoint Application provides enough time and feedback” 4.34. This statement was included in the questionnaire statement 7. The feedback in Interactive PowerPoint Application helps the students to develop the reading skill. They could understand which one the correct answer was. In addition, Interactive PowerPoint Application can be set using timer whenever it is needed. In this case, the timer was not set in the learning model for it can limit students’ ability in developing their reading ability. Timer can build stressful atmosphere in the class, thus it influenced the students’ learning process. On the other hand, feedback was always attached in each question in the Exercise Section. The feedback was designed interactively and it was attached in each question in the multiple choices type, for instance. There were two kinds of feedback that were designed including wrong answer feedback and correct answer feedback. Each answer was hyperlinked to the dialog balloon containing of compliment expression for the correct answer and sympathy expression for the incorrect answer. Whenever the user clicked the incorrect answer, the dialog balloon automatically appeared. According to the students, this feedback is helpful for them in determining the correct answer by repeating the exercise. It can be concluded that pedagogical number five supported the designed learning model. Beside feedback, mindfully learning process also becomes the aspect that can determine the success of learning. This aspect was the sixth pedagogical aspect appeared in the question number 19. Through the designed learning model, it was expected that the students can build mindfully learning process. It means when the students found difficulties in the learning process, the can obtain their own solution. However, the result score showed 4.16 for the statement “I open the annotation in the reading text to understand the meaning of the vocabulary”. It means that part of the designed learning model needed to be replaced, in this case the annotation. The researcher thus did an interview to find out the deep understanding dealing with this case. The result stated the students did not use the annotation as their aid to comprehend the reading text because the difficulty level of the reading text was low. It means, they can comprehend the reading text well without using annotation. The researcher concluded that the level of difficulty for each reading text needed to be increased. The seventh pedagogical aspect was the designed learning model can promote ideal atmosphere for the students. This pedagogical aspect appeared in the question number 21 stating that the Instruction slide helped the user much in operating the Interactive PowerPoint Application 3.93. All the instructions dealing with doing operating the Interactive PowerPoint Application were described in one slide in the beginning slide of the PowerPoint Application. This slide had a good influence for the success of the learning using Interactive PowerPoint. The last pedagogical aspect was the designed learning model promoted learner autonomy. This pedagogical aspect appeared in the question number 6 stating that by using Interactive PowerPoint Application the user learnt how to be an independent learner 4.13. The result score told that the designed learning model promoted autonomy for the users. The researcher confirmed it through the interview that the students can use the Interactive PowerPoint Application independently at home as their learning media. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Interactive PowerPoint Application conformed the last pedagogical aspect. The second part of the questionnaire was the open ended questions asking about the students’ opinion in general about the Interactive PowerPoint. There were five questions that needed to be answered and elaborated consisting of the students’ opinion on the designed learning model, the difficulties learning with designed learning model, the strengths and weaknesses of the designed learning model, and the suggestion for the improvements of the designed learning model. Generally, the students’ opinion on learning reading with Interactive PowerPoint Application was positive. Most of them enjoyed learning reading with the designed learning model. Therefore, they did not find any difficulties learning with Interactive PowerPoint. The good points of the Interactive PowerPoint Application were the materials were easier to be absorbed because they were presented clearly. Moreover, they did not need to rewrite the material in their notebook so that it can save time and they can focus well in the topic they were learning. The weaknesses of the Interactive PowerPoint Application were they must read the instructions well since they were written in one slide only. Some slides looked boring since it only contained of texts without any other animation. The systems sometimes were error that caused the users to repeat them many times. Lastly, the suggestions that were elaborated by the user mostly talking about the animation that needed to be added in the Interactive PowerPoint. They thought that pictures and animation can make the slide more interesting so that they can be more motivated in learning English.

B. Presentation of Designed Learning Model

The designed learning model was divided into three main sections; Presentation Section, Check Your Understanding Section, and Exercise Section. Those three sections were organized into one unit. The learning model that was adopted from Dwijatmoko 2015 was particularly on Exercise Section only. The rest was designed by the researcher.

1. Presentation Section

Presentation Section was divided into two parts, including the materials dealing with the topic and the reading strategies material. There were 8 topics and 6 reading strategies that were included in Presentation Section. Each unit consists of the combination of one topic material and reading strategies. The content of presentation section was described in the following explanation. Figure 4.1 Presentation Section Home