Review of Related Studies

In figure 2.14 Evaluation can be applied in every stage of ASSURE model. It is not stop in one stage only, but rather it forms a systematic cycle that can be flexibly followed.

6. Review of Related Studies

Berk 2011 conducted a research review dealing with PowerPoint. He tried to find out the effective practice in terms of 1 the basic features and uses of PowerPoint with which educators are familiar, and 2 the use of “rich media,” including movement, music, still images, and videos. Berk found out that there were top-10 practices reflecting the potential of PowerPoint. They are slide background, font, text and bullet points, tittles and headings, color, images, engagement, movement, music, video. Berk explained that the first five are the basic and the last five are relevant to multimedia. The last five is considered as the most important because there is a solid foundation of cognitive psychology, learning theory, and physiological research and experience with “rich media”. In conclusion, Berk claims that rich media such as animations and media in PowerPoint positively influence every aspect of teaching. The most important thing to concern about is the goal of designing the learning media whether it is 1 to grab and maintain attention, 2 to improve learning, andor 3 to increase retention or transfer of information. On the other hand, AlKahtani 1999 on his research found the advantages of using technology in the classroom to teach reading. He used three different software programs for teaching reading namely MacReader, Story Board, and Reading Galaxy. The result shows that those software programs are beneficial for supporting learner autonomy although the students’ achievements were not good enough. The students can learn reading independently through the designed reading software. Besides, Sankey, Birch Gardiner 2010 found interesting findings in their study about teaching reading with Interactive PowerPoint. They designed multimedia in teaching providing many opportunities to present multiple representations of content text, video, audio, images, Interactive elements for university students. The result shows that the designed learning material is beneficial to assist their comprehension, understanding and retention of content, and to be more interesting and enjoyable to use. Another study that implemented eight pedagogical by Egbert and Hanson- Smith 1999 was Octapuri 2010. In her study, Octapuri 2010 employed Moodle as the designed learning media to teach speaking for vocational school students. Among the eight pedagogical aspects, one of them did not clearly appear in the designed learning model. Although the pedagogical aspects were similar to Octapuri’s study, this study employed Interactive PowerPoint as the learning model to teach reading for Junior High School students. This study employed PowerPoint as the learning media for teaching reading. Different from Berk’s 2011 study, the PowerPoint components that were applied in the application were not only the rich media such as slide background, font, text and bullet points, tittles and headings, color, images, engagement, movement, music, video. Other PowerPoint components such as Kiosk mode, macros, and saving as PowerPoint Show were also applied in the designed learning model to control students learning with the learning model and to keep interactivity between the students and the learning model. Although the educational technology that was designed to teach reading in this study was different from the software programs designed by Alkahtani 1999, the study goal was similar, i.e. achieving learner autonomy. Beside learner autonomy, other goals that were achieved were assisting reading comprehension for the students and designing interesting and enjoyable learning model such as the study conducted by Sankey, Birch, Gardner 2010. However, the researcher implemented this learning model to Junior High School students as the users.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section deliberates the framework to answer the research questions theoretically using thoughtful concept. The first question is dealing with the learning model multimedia annotations which combine text and picture. To answer this question, the researcher uses CALL principles involving authenticity, interactivity, and learning autonomy. In addition to design the learning model, the researcher utilizes hypermedia provided in PowerPoint features. Some difficult vocabularies in reading text typed in the PowerPoint slide will be linked to the other slide containing of pictures and its textual explanation. This type of explanation is called annotation. Through this annotation, it is expected to facilitate the users in conveying meaning in the process of reading comprehension. Some PowerPoint features like action buttons are applied in this design in order to ease the users to jump from one slide to another. In addition, to