Main Product Revision Main Field Testing Final Product Revision

to obtain expert validation. Through the questionnaire, the required information and feedback were used to improve the instruction in the next revision. The required information in this stage dealt with the core competence and basic competence that meet the product, the characteristics of the product that meets students’ need and interest, the task that meet the learning indicators, and the students’ response toward the utilization of designed learning model.

5. Main Product Revision

The next major step of R D was main product revision. As stated above, the revision of the product based on the feedback from the participants at the preliminary field testing. The feedback was described in a form of participants’ opinion, comment and suggestions. The participants’ opinion and suggestion were clearly elaborated in the second part of the questionnaire consisting of the general opinion of the product, the strengths and weaknesses of the products, and suggestions for product improvement.

6. Main Field Testing

Once the main product revision had been completed, the next step to do was main field testing. There were two purposes that should be deliberated at this stage according to Borg Gall 1983. The first goal of this step was to determine that the developed educational products met the objective. The second goal was to collect information that can be used to make an improvement of the instruction. Therefore, questionnaire and interview data were required in the main field test. The sixth major step of R D cycle was similar to ASSURE model in step 4, Utilize materials. The presentation of the designed learning model was implemented to the users. In this study, the users were students of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta grade 7. The implementation of the designed learning model must consider the delivery of the material overview, the learning material, the exercises, and the follow-up learning.

7. Final Product Revision

This is the final step of R D applied in this study. The revision of the educational product was conducted based on the result of questionnaire and interview to the participants in main field testing. This step was similar to ASSURE model, i.e. Require Learner Response. After the instruction was implemented, the participants’ response was needed to make further improvement. Reviewing the details of R D steps thoroughly, the researcher realized that the concept of R D was almost similar to ASSURE model. Furthermore, the steps of R D and ASSURE model were corresponding each other. Therefore, the researcher concluded the matched diagram of R D cycle and ASSURE model in the following figure. Figure 3.1 ASSURE model matched up with R D diagram In figure 3.1, the first three steps of R D cycle and ASSURE model were in line. Then, the fourth and five step of R D were actually included in step 3 of ASSURE model. The Utilize Material in ASSURE model was in line with Main Field Testing in R D cycle. The require learner response was in line with final product revision in R D cycle. Lastly, the Evaluation in ASSURE model was in line with Preliminary Field Testing and Main Field Testing in R D cycle. Research Information Collecting Planning Develop Preliminary Form of Product Preliminary Field Testing Main Product Revision Main Field Testing Analyze learner characteristics State Objectives Select, Modify, Design Material Utilize Material Require Learner Response Evaluate Final Product Revision

B. Research Participants