Presentation Section Presentation of Designed Learning Model

Lastly, the suggestions that were elaborated by the user mostly talking about the animation that needed to be added in the Interactive PowerPoint. They thought that pictures and animation can make the slide more interesting so that they can be more motivated in learning English.

B. Presentation of Designed Learning Model

The designed learning model was divided into three main sections; Presentation Section, Check Your Understanding Section, and Exercise Section. Those three sections were organized into one unit. The learning model that was adopted from Dwijatmoko 2015 was particularly on Exercise Section only. The rest was designed by the researcher.

1. Presentation Section

Presentation Section was divided into two parts, including the materials dealing with the topic and the reading strategies material. There were 8 topics and 6 reading strategies that were included in Presentation Section. Each unit consists of the combination of one topic material and reading strategies. The content of presentation section was described in the following explanation. Figure 4.1 Presentation Section Home All PowerPoint backgrounds in Presentation Sections in all units were set identically. Figure 4.3 showed the name of the unit and topic. It was also completed with a navigation button to lead the user to another slide. Figure 4.2 Picture Discussions for Pre-activity The first slide that was designed in the learning model was inserted picture. The picture was selected that was related to each topic. This picture was discussed among the class to lead the users predict what they were going to learn in each meeting. The tittle of the slide is a question form to let the users think mindfully. This slide was also completed with navigation button to move forward or backward slide. Figure 4.3 Material Overview Slide Material overview is important in each learning process since it help the students to inform about the learning goals. By knowing the learning goals, students can be more motivated to follow the teaching learning activities. The material overviews in all units were similar. They contained of two main learning goals; the material dealing with the topic and the reading strategies. Figure 4.4 Material dealing with the Topic 1 The materials dealing with the topic were developed based on the syllabus. The resources to compile the material were taken from many resources including books, articles, and internet resources. Figure 4.6 is the example of developed material of unit 1. The topic is self-introduction. Therefore, the material that must be included related to expressions and responses of self-introduction. Figure 4.5 Reading Strategies 1 Reading strategies is the second part of the material in Presentation Section. The aim of inserting this material in each unit is to help the user developed their reading skills. Through the short and clear explanation, the user could understand well.

2. Check Your Understanding Section