Research and Information Collecting Planning

In their study, Borg Gall 1983 constructed ten major steps in the R D cycle. Due to the inadequacy, the researcher only applied six steps over those ten major steps.

1. Research and Information Collecting

The first stage of R D is research and information collecting. Borg and Gall 1983: 775 described this stage includes review of literature, classroom observations, and preparation of report of state of the art. Matched with the ASSURE model, this stage is compatible with the first stage of ASSURE model called Analyze the learners characteristics. The steps that were done by the researcher in this stage included conducting need analysis and observation. Information that was desirably collected contained of students’ background and competence, language proficiency, preferable teaching learning activities, reading skill they wanted to learn. Since doing research to the students revealed subjective needs, the researcher also conduct observation toward classroom situation and syllabus. In addition, to collect deeper information about students’ need objectively such as what learners know and want to know was gained from teacher. After do research about students’ needs, the researcher started to construct literature review that can be the rationale of the instructional material. First of all, the theory of reading has become the priority. Reading skill was the focus of this study. To achieve the desired reading skills, some reading strategies also constructed. Next, the theory of CALL and interactive PowerPoint were collected to underlie the instructional media.

2. Planning

The second stage of R D was Planning. The significant aspect of planning according to Borg Gall 1983 was the statement of specific objectives to be achieved by the product. Similar to ASSURE model, the second step that should be followed was stating objectives. To state the objectives of the designed learning model, the researcher analyzed the curriculum that was being implemented in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Objectives of the lesson became the basic to construct instructional materials until it met the demand of objectives based on standard competencies and basic Borg and Gall, 1983. Therefore, to state the objectives of this designed learning model, the researcher constructed some aspects based on the curriculum implemented in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta such as core competence and basic competence as seen in the curriculum.

3. Develop Preliminary Form of Product