Field Notes Research and Information Collecting

function, text structure and language elements, and composing the simple oral and written texts. The simple oral and written texts that must be delivered to the students in grade 7 are greetings and introduction, time, and short functional texts such as descriptive text, procedure text and short notice. The teacher’s responsibility is to implement those four core competence and basic competence in the teaching learning activities in each meeting. It is not an easy task for the teacher to implement all of those elements in one meeting. Therefore, the socialization of curriculum 2013 is very influencing in the success of implantation curriculum 2013. The students real needs, thus, was about using English as a means to communicate about students’ daily life. The topic that should be used in the designed learning model must be related to students’ daily life; everything that appeared in students’ environment such as home and school.

b. Field Notes

Field notes according to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh 2002 is commonly used as the research method to record data during observation. It includes descriptive part and reflective part which may be expanded by the researcher in the study. In the field notes, the researcher must include not only the complete description about the setting, the people, their reactions, and the events but also the researcher’s personal feelings or impressions about the events. In this study, the researcher conducted on Thursday, 21 st of August 2014. The class was started at 10.10 a.m. until 11.40 a.m. 2 hours in class 7G. There were 34 students consisting of 17 female students and 17 male students. The facilities in the class were a bit complete. There is an LCD and an LCD Screen in front of the class. There are two Air Conditioners in the class and two speakers that are used to listen to some announcement from the school. There is also one CCTV attached in the corner of the class. In front of the class there is an old whiteboard. Near the whiteboard there is teacher’s desk. The number of students’ tables and chairs in this class is 37. All of them are wooden tables and wooden chairs. One notice board is hung on the wall. There is also a wall clock. The school facilities are also complete enough including language laboratory and computer laboratory. In the language lab, there is one main computer for the teacher as operator in that class and two speakers for listening class. In the computer lab, there is one main computer for the operator and 40 computers for students as the users. The internet connection is also available in the computer lab. The record of the teaching learning activities can be seen in the appendix16 .The teacher always tries to integrate the four English skills in each meeting in the teaching learning process. Before the teacher starts the class, she always gives the students list of vocabulary by dictating them all and asks them to find the meaning in Indonesia and memorize them. She believes that this method can help the students to master English effectively. The language use in the classroom is mixed between English and Indonesian since the teacher considers that the level of English mastery of the students is still beginner. Therefore, the teacher mostly uses Indonesian and a bit English as the medium of instruction. The topic that day was daily activities and time. The teacher wrote down the material about time, day, date and year on the whiteboard including the exercises. After that, she explained them in a brief way and asked the students to do the exercises together. After discussing the exercises, the teacher instructed the students to write down the material on their note book. The teacher gave handout about greetings including the expressions and its response. She asked the students to read aloud the expression and its response in turn between male students and female students. The handout is not only about greetings but also about pronouns including subject pronoun, object pronoun, and possessive adjective. The teacher asked the students to read them and find out the difficult words in the dictionary. At the end of the meeting, there was a worksheet about pronouns. The students were asked to discuss and answer the questions. The class ended when the bell rang. The captain of the class led the class to say greeting to the teacher. Then, the teacher left the class and the next lesson was waiting. Based on the observation that has been done, it is concluded that the teaching learning activities in the class is using teacher-centered method. The activities in the class were mostly controlled by the teacher. For example, when the teacher explained about the topic that day and discussed the exercise, all of those activities were controlled by the teacher. The learner autonomy in the class was not focused. The teacher always tries to integrate the English skills in each meeting. For example when the students were asked to read aloud the expression of greetings, and discuss the exercise about pronoun. The exercise was in a form of close text and the students were asked to fill the blanks with the suitable pronouns. In these activities, the teacher combines reading skill and speaking skill as the teaching method. Another example of English skill integration in the teaching learning activities was when the teacher asked the students to write down the material on the whiteboard into their book note. This method, note taking, is a method to memorize something. The role of technology was not really influencing in the teaching learning process at that time since all media used in the class were whiteboard, handouts and worksheets. The teacher did not utilize the LCD to support the teaching learning activities. She also never utilize computer lab to support the teaching learning activities for English class.

c. Students’ Questionnaire