Develop Preliminary Form of Product Preliminary Field Testing

2. Planning

The second stage of R D was Planning. The significant aspect of planning according to Borg Gall 1983 was the statement of specific objectives to be achieved by the product. Similar to ASSURE model, the second step that should be followed was stating objectives. To state the objectives of the designed learning model, the researcher analyzed the curriculum that was being implemented in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Objectives of the lesson became the basic to construct instructional materials until it met the demand of objectives based on standard competencies and basic Borg and Gall, 1983. Therefore, to state the objectives of this designed learning model, the researcher constructed some aspects based on the curriculum implemented in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta such as core competence and basic competence as seen in the curriculum.

3. Develop Preliminary Form of Product

Development preliminary form of the product was the next major step in R D cycle. This stage, according to Borg Gall 1983 was far from simple to execute because the developer or the teacher in this case must expect many false starts and setbacks in developing new educational product. Particularly, the developed products force the practitioners to modify and adjust the products in order to make them fully ready in the schools. Although some adjustments have been conducted, a partially developed product cannot be used effectively and is often badly misused. This situation, thus, influenced the teacher to design new instruction for the students. Similar to Borg Gall’s idea, Heinich et. al. in their third step of ASSURE suggested the similar idea. In ASSURE, there were three options that can be done by teacher such as select, modify, or design materials. Teacher can select the materials if they met students need and learning objective. However, if the materials were partially did not met the objective, teacher can modify and adjust them in order to meet the objective. Occasionally, teacher must undergo a situation in which the material and media did not meet the objective. At this point, teacher must design a new materials and media that truly serve the objective. Borg Gall 1983: 781 suggested that “the preliminary form should include many more procedures for evaluation than will be included in the final product.” An important principle that must be considered in preliminary form is to structure the product to gain as much feedback as possible. Therefore, come questionnaire and interview guide must be developed in preliminary form stage.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

The next major step in R D was preliminary field testing. Borg and Gall 1983 regarded this stage as “an initial evaluation of the new educational product.” The information that can be gained in this step was the users’ judgment as the basis for measuring the success of educational product. This step was similar to ASSURE model, Evaluation. Evaluation was not considered as the final step of ASSURE model. It was the starting point of the next and continuing cycle of systematic ASSURE model. In this study, the participants for the preliminary field testing were the experts of education and technology. The questionnaire was distributed to the participants to obtain expert validation. Through the questionnaire, the required information and feedback were used to improve the instruction in the next revision. The required information in this stage dealt with the core competence and basic competence that meet the product, the characteristics of the product that meets students’ need and interest, the task that meet the learning indicators, and the students’ response toward the utilization of designed learning model.

5. Main Product Revision