Interactive PowerPoint Application for True False IPA-TF

were Interactive PowerPoint Application for True False and Interactive PowerPoint Application for Multiple Choices. However, there was one exercise that was given to the user as the post-activity, i.e. Interactive PowerPoint Application for Mytext. This activity was given to the user as the stimulation to produce varied and creative target language.

a. Interactive PowerPoint Application for True False IPA-TF

There were five main slides that were discussed in this part involving home slide, instruction slide, reading text slide, question slide, and certificate slide. Figure 4.14 Home Slide The home slide consisted of start button and the topic title. The start button was linked to user’s log in. When the button was clicked, automatically the dialog box for User ID appeared. Type the user ID and click “OK”. The user ID must be typed correctly since the name will appear at the certificate slide with the result score. After the user log in, the next slide automatically appeared was instruction slide. Figure 4.15 Instructions Slide of IPA-TF The content of the instruction for each reading exercise was different. Therefore, the user was suggested to read the instruction well in order to avoid problems when operating the program. The instruction slide told about how to operate the program, the information of score or point for each question, and the last step after the result score appeared. After the instructions were read entirely, click the navigation button, the next slide was the reading text slide. Figure 4.16 Reading Text Unit 1 in Exercise Section There were three readings texts that were provided in one unit. Each reading text was typed in one different slide. One reading text consisted of several short paragraphs and all of them were related to the topic in each unit. Figure 4.18 is the example of reading text slide for true false questions. The reading text slide was hyperlinked to the question slide. Figure 4.17 Question Slide of IPA-TF The question slide in true false exercise was always designed for ten questions for each slide. The component consisted of “read the text” button, score, statementsquestions with True-False button. Submit button and the answer key. Read the text button was hyperlinked to the reading text slide. The score showed the result score of all questions. The True-False button was designed as the options for each question or statement, the submit button was clicked to confirm the option or answer that has been selected by the user. After all questions were answers, the answer key appeared at the end of the show. This answer key was designed as the feedback for the user. Therefore, they could know the correct answer for each question and compare them with their own answers. The following figure was the certificate slide informing about the user result score. Figure 4.18 Certificate Slide Certificate slide was designed to inform the user about their result score in the exercises they have done. When the user arrived to this slide, first thing to do was clicked the certificate button. Therefore, automatically the name and the score will change into the user’s ID and result score. If the certificate button was not clicked, the user ID and score did not appear.

b. Interactive PowerPoint Application for Multiple Choices IPA-MC