Suggestions for the English Teachers Suggestions for the Students as the Users of IPA

1. Suggestions for the English Teachers

Interactive PowerPoint Application IPA can be implemented to students in all educational level. The teachers have to adjust the material in the PowerPoint templates designed by Dwijatmoko 2015. Thing that must be considered is that after the PowerPoint templates are adjusted, the file must be saved as PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show. Figure 5.1 Save as PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show Figure 5.1 displays the way how to save the PowerPoint application. The aim of saving the file as PowerPoint Macro Enabled Show is to prevent the users to jump to another slide as they like. Through this way, the teachers could control the users’ moves in operating the application. In addition, teachers can also implement other language skills using IPA such as writing and listening. To adjust the IPA into well-designed learning model, the teachers must have good technological knowledge. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teachers who are willing to use IPA as the learning model to support teaching learning process to develop their technological knowledge. The IPA cannot be seen as the learning model to replace all textbook material or conventional class. However, this application could be used as the modification of the conventional language learning in the class. Both conventional class and technological class have their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is the teachers’ responsibility to manage them all in order to support teaching learning process.

2. Suggestions for the Students as the Users of IPA

One that must be considered by the students as the users of IPA was the instructions. This application is compatible for Microsoft 2007 and 2010. The application requires high specification of RAM. Therefore, students must be patient when accessing the IPA. Sometimes, there are some troubles occurred when the application is operated. It is can be caused by the low specification of RAM of the computer and the students are impatient to wait the application loading. In addition, the focus designed learning model is to promote learner autonomy. Therefore, through the designed learning model, it is expected for the users to be autonomous learners.

3. Suggestions for the Researchers in the Similar Field