There are no inner walls Tak ada

Also, the inaccurate translation exists in the clause left large gaps. When reading the target text, the readers can perceive clearly that it is true that there is no circle stone because of the translation of the clause left large gaps into sehingga yang tampak hanya dua buah batu tinggi yang tegak berdiri . This can happen because the readers understand the clause dua buah batu tinggi yang tegak berdir i as a pillar. In the Indonesian people’s mind, if there are two tall stones standing upright, it is called pillar. Moreover, the meaning is fully changed between the source text and the target text for the sentence above. The most suitable translation for the sentence above is batu-batu tersebut sama dengan yang di pintu masuk dan tertata membentuk lingkaran, walaupun beberapa telah jatuh dan menciptakan jarak yang cukup luas di antara bebatuan tersebut . 17. Jake sees that there’s also an inner ring of smaller stones. Jake melihat bahwa di dalam batu melingkar terdapat sebuah lingkaran dalam yang terbuat dari batu yang lebih kecil. The similar case also exists in the above sentence. Here, the translator is made confused in differentiating the circle stone and the inner ring which makes him decide to say batu melingkar and lingkaran dalam in which they are different in interpretation. As a result, a score 3 is given for the target text. Another problem is the inaccurate translation of the phrase smaller stones into batu yang lebih kecil which causes a change in idea. If the idea of smaller stones is considered as a singular noun in Indonesian language, it means that the setting of the story is different. In the source text, it is said that there is an inner ring made of stones with smaller size. In the Indonesian version, the readers can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI interpret the meaning batu yang lebih kecil as one single stone with small size, then it will erase the existence of inner ring because the ring itself will not exist since it is made of a small stone. Meaning to say, the best translation of the sentence above is Jake melihat bahwa di dalam lingkaran tersebut terdapat lingkaran lagi yang tersusun dari batu-batu yang lebih kecil . 19. “No, thanks,” he says. “I don’t play stupid baby games.” ”Tidak” jawab Jake. ”Aku tidak mau bermain permainan tolol seperti itu” The inaccurate translation of the phrase stupid baby games into permainan tolol seperti itu has affected the original story, especially to Jake’s characteristic. In the source text, it is clearly seen that the author chooses to use plural noun games to describe that Jake really hates his sister and he does not want to be very intimate with her. On the contrary, in the target text, the translator chooses to translate the noun into singular form. As the effect, the readers can interpret that Jake does not want to play hide and seek with Hannah, he possibly wants to play another game with her. Also, the deletion of the word thanks in the target text has lessened the tough characteristic of Jake. The word thanks above can emphasize that Jake really does not want to play anything with Hannah and he really means it. If it is deleted as in the target text, the readers can imagine that Jake is surprised when his mom asks him to play hide and seek with Hannah and he directly refuses it. That is why the score 4 is suitable for the Indonesian version. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI