Human Sacrifices Korban Manusia

13. The displays had explained that

the circle was probably some kind of temple, a place where people had gathered to watch priests performing rituals. Gambar itu menunjukkan bahwa lingkaran tersebut seperti semacam kuil, tempat orang-orang berkumpul untuk menyaksikan pendeta melakukan suatu ritual. The translation of the words the displays, priests, and rituals which are made singular nouns and the noun people which is made singular are the reason why the target text above is given a 3. The inaccuracy translation is very significant in the interpretation. When the translator employs the word gambar for displays , pendeta for priests and suatu ritual for rituals, it makes the story less striking because if these words are in singular forms, it seems that the activity and the objects are ordinary one. It is better to translate them according to their plural forms: gambar-gambar for the displays, para pendeta for priests and ritual-ritual for rituals. For the word gambar-gambar, it is better if translated into gambar- gambar yang ada di ruang pameran tadi . It is considered from the plot that before entering the computer terminals, Jake sees the exhibits and displays first. For the noun people, it is better to say orang since in Indonesian language, orang can represent a plural meaning. 14. They must have gone in for human sacrifices too… Mereka pasti menjadikan manusia sebagai korban persembahan... The case above is similar to the case of the translation Human Sacrifices into Korban Manusia. The difference lies on the sentence structure in the target text. In this case, the translator still translates the plural noun sacrifices into its singular form in different structure. Other mistake that the translator does is deleting the word too which makes the story become less scary. In conclusion, the score 4 is given. The sentence above is better reconstructed into Mereka juga pasti menjadikan manusia sebagai korban-korban persembahan .

15. It’s so easy for her to say those things.

Mudah bagi ibunya untuk bicara seperti itu. The inaccurate translation of the phrase those things into seperti itu has caused a change in meaning. In the source text, the author chooses to use the phrase those things to mean that Jake’s mother is giving some advices and understanding for being very unfair to him. In the target text, the translator changes the meaning into seperti itu which possibly describes the way or manner of speaking of Jake’s mother. Instead of rising an ambiguity and avoiding a score 2 for the text, it is most appropriate to translate the phrase into hal-hal seperti itu. 16. The rest of the circle is made up of similar stones arranged in the same way, although some have fallen and left large gaps. Batu melingkar itu terbuat dari batu yang sama dengan batu di pintu masuk dan tertata membentuk lingkaran. Beberapa batu bagian atas telah jatuh sehingga yang tampak hanya dua buah batu tinggi yang tegak berdiri. There are two main reasons the translated text is given a 4. First, the inaccurate translation is risen in the phrase similar stones into batu yang sama. Considering that in the previous story when they just arrived, Jake could see many stones which were fenced off, the phrase similar stones is better translated into batu-batu yang sama to describe that the circle is made of some stones which are arranged into a circle. If it is translated into batu yang sama, it means that there is no circle stone, but there is a stone which is shaped circular. It is very important to keep adding the sentence batu di pintu masuk to explain that the stones are all similar. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Also, the inaccurate translation exists in the clause left large gaps. When reading the target text, the readers can perceive clearly that it is true that there is no circle stone because of the translation of the clause left large gaps into sehingga yang tampak hanya dua buah batu tinggi yang tegak berdiri . This can happen because the readers understand the clause dua buah batu tinggi yang tegak berdir i as a pillar. In the Indonesian people’s mind, if there are two tall stones standing upright, it is called pillar. Moreover, the meaning is fully changed between the source text and the target text for the sentence above. The most suitable translation for the sentence above is batu-batu tersebut sama dengan yang di pintu masuk dan tertata membentuk lingkaran, walaupun beberapa telah jatuh dan menciptakan jarak yang cukup luas di antara bebatuan tersebut . 17. Jake sees that there’s also an inner ring of smaller stones. Jake melihat bahwa di dalam batu melingkar terdapat sebuah lingkaran dalam yang terbuat dari batu yang lebih kecil. The similar case also exists in the above sentence. Here, the translator is made confused in differentiating the circle stone and the inner ring which makes him decide to say batu melingkar and lingkaran dalam in which they are different in interpretation. As a result, a score 3 is given for the target text. Another problem is the inaccurate translation of the phrase smaller stones into batu yang lebih kecil which causes a change in idea. If the idea of smaller stones is considered as a singular noun in Indonesian language, it means that the setting of the story is different. In the source text, it is said that there is an inner ring made of stones with smaller size. In the Indonesian version, the readers can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI