Jake tries to speak, but no words

trunks it is shifted into singular form. For the sake of delivering a similar idea between the author and the readers and keeping the horror atmosphere of both stories, it is suggested to say batang-batang pohon. 35. ‘… It might help you to avoid saying things you’ll regret.’ ‘… Itu bisa membantumu untuk tidak mengatakan sesuatu yang nantinya akan membuat kamu menyesal.’ Another serious case when translating plural forms into singular can be observed from the sentence above. The existence of the plural word things is describing that Jake is very angry with his sister and he will say anything bad to Hannah to release his anger feeling. James, on the other hand, is giving advice to Jake not to say many things that can make him regret. The problem of the translated version sesuatu is that it seems that Jake probably says something intentionally that can make him regret. This cannot show the great anger of Jake to his sister’s mistake of replacing Jake with James. This different meaning also supports the text to get a 3. The best solution to translate the source text above is Itu bisa membantumu untuk tidak mengatakan hal-hal yang nantinya akan membuat kamu menyesal.

36. Jake looks at the clouds

streaming across the dark sky, sees the flashes, hears the rumbles,… Jake memandang langit. Awan melintasi langit gelap dan kilat menyambar, diikuti suara gemuruh. The inaccuracy in translating three phrases above has changed the atmosphere of the story and the perfect judgement which changed into 2. If they are translated into singular forms awan, kilat and suara, the atmosphere possibly is raining day. Keeping the words the clouds, the flashes and the rumbles in plural PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI forms can describe that the weather is very bad and usually a very bad weather, for example storm, can support the idea of magical use. Instead of changing the atmosphere of the story that becomes less scary, it will be great to translate the sentence into Jake memandangi segumpalan awan yang melintasi langit gelap dengan kilat-kilat menyambar diikuti suara-suara gemuruh. The following sentence is also inaccurately translated in the use of plural and singular forms and the meaning shift which results in a 3 for the scoring system.

37. Jake glares at him, new questions

already forming on his lips,… Jake menatap James dengan marah. Ia hampir mengatakan sesuatu,… The readers can see that the phrase new questions has been translated differently into sesuatu. The existence of the plural form new questions can illustrate that Jake is still very shocked and he wants to ask many questions in his mind. In the opposite, the translated word sesuatu seems that Jake wants to tell something or speak his last message. The revised translation Jake menatap James dengan marah dan ia hampir meluapkan beberapa pertanyaan is better to describe Jake’s feeling toward James. 38. Jake and Hannah are already running up the path to the stones. Jake dan Hannah berlari mengikuti jalan setapak menuju batu melingkar. The inaccurate translation above and the reason a 3 is given is the plural word the stones into its singular form batu melingkar. In the previous chapter, it has been described that the circle stone is made of many small stones and arranged into a circle form. Instead of saying batu melingkar, it is more appropriate if the translated version of the stones is changed into lokasi batu melingkar , considering that the word lokasi in Indonesian language can represent a plural form since in the story there are many stones beside the circle stone. The advisable solution is Jake dan Hannah berlari mengikuti jalan setapak menuju lokasi batu melingkar . 39. …, a huge flash of lightning allowing him to scan the gaps between the inner stones. Kilat yang menyambar membantunya melihat jarak di antara mereka dan lingkaran dalam. The last case of inaccuracy in translating plural forms into singular can be seen from the above sentence. Beside the inaccurate translation of the phrase the inner stones into lingkaran dalam which should be translated into bebatuan di lingkaran dalam , the translator also misunderstands with the clause scan the gaps between the inner stones which is translated differently into melihat jarak di antara mereka dan lingkaran dalam . These two cases affect the score for the text which is 3. In the target text, the readers can obviously see that the translator means to say that there is a gap between Jake and Hannah and the circle stones. In fact, in the source text, the gap exists between the stones in the inner stones. The most suitable translation for the sentence above is Kilat yang menyambar membantunya melihat jarak antara bebatuan di lingkaran dalam .

2. The Inaccurate Translation of English Singular Forms

The second analysis lies on the inaccuracy in translating singular words into plural forms in Deadly Game and Permainan Maut. There are 8 phrases and clauses that are found translated inaccurately. In the analysis, the writer also provides the source text and target text that contain the inaccuracy. 6. Jake raises an eyebrow,… Jake mengangkat alisnya… The first case of the inaccuracy in translating singular forms into plural is seen in the above sentence. The readers can see that in the source text, the author writes raising an eyebrow to describe that Jake is having many questions in his mind. While in the translated text, the translator writes mengangkat alisnya. It is different because in the culture of Indonesian people, raising two eyebrows means that someone is agreeing about something, since alis is considered as plural noun in Indonesian language. The meaning change in both texts above is the main reason that the target text is given a 3. The best translation is Jake mengangkat sebelah alisnya menandakan perasaan bingung . 12. Is that a knife in one of his hands? Pisaukah di tangannya itu? The case is similar to the previous case. The translation of one of his hands into di tangannya can create a difference. In the phrase one of his hands, the author means to say that the man is holding a knife, possibly in his right hand or left hand. Since Indonesian people consider hand as a plural noun, the meaning di tangannya can be that the man is holding a knife with his two hands. Considering that pegang in Indonesian language can mean holding something with one hand, to avoid ambiguity and score 2 for the target text, the translation is better corrected into Pisaukah yang dia pegang?