He can feel a pebble pressing painfully into a shoulder

After accumulating all the scores by dividing the total scores with the number of data, it can be concluded that the score for the translated novel Permainan Maut , regarding the inaccuracy in translating English singular-plural forms, is 2.743 which, according to Nababan’s accuracy category, means nearly not accurate. B. The Effects of the Inaccuracy Problems Caused by Translation Shift Based on the analysis above, the writer can conclude that the translation of singular and plural forms in the target text Permainan Maut is inaccurate because the translator has applied an intra-system shift or a shift which is made in translating English singular words into Indonesian plural forms and English plural words into Indonesian singular forms in this case which can affect the story. As can be seen from the previous analysis, the inaccuracy problems have caused some effects toward the original story. In general, it can be said that the inaccuracy problems above lead the effects into three changes: meaning change, perspective change and atmosphere change. The meaning change can be seen in S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S11, S12, S13, S15, S17, S21, S22, S24, S25, S27, S29, S30, S31, S32, S33, S34, S35, S37, and S38. The perspective change can be found in S9, S10, S16, S19, and S39. The change of atmosphere exists as can be observed in S8, S14, S18, S20, S23, S26, S28, and S36. The example of a change in meaning can be traced in S6 in which the translator translates an idiom into an ordinary sentence in S6. This has caused a very different meaning between the TT and the ST. The ST shows confusion while the TT expresses agreement. An idiom has a different meaning from a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI sentence. The sentence in S6 should be translated idiomatically to keep the similar reaction between the ST readers and the TT readers. One of the perspective change can be observed in S9 in which the translator prefers to consider the word the stones into lokasi batu melingkar which means an area. The author means to say that each stone is fenced off, while the translator says that the area of all stones is fenced off. It has raised different perspective between the author and the translator and directly leads to the different perspective between the ST readers and the TT readers. The last change is the atmosphere as can be seen in S8. Here, the plural noun sacrifices is changed into its singular form korban. The horror atmosphere is changed directly into less horror in which the meaning of korban is one sacrifice only. This problem can make the story become less horror and the readers possibly do not get the real atmosphere of the source text. Beside the changes above, there are also some effects that can arise because of the problems in the analysis. The first is the idea that the target language readers get is sometimes different from the source language readers. One example can be seen in S4 in which the word the words is translated into suara. Such case can bring a difference because the idea in the source text says that Jake cannot clearly listen to what his Mom and Dad say. The word suara, in contrast, means that Jake knows what his parents say but he cannot clearly hear their sound. This argument is also stated by R2 and R3 in which they say that the meaning of the word and suara is wholly different and that the readers may get different feeling. In one case, the inaccuracy problem as in S30 can weaken the characteristics of James. When the translator translates the singular noun your comic into komik-komikmu, it seems that James does not show his seriousness when saying it. When saying your comic, James wants to show that he means it. However when translated into komik-komikmu, it seems that James only says it without being very serious with his words. The other case can also be seen in the translation of S19 in the above analysis. The last effect is exclusion. What is meant here is that in some cases, the readers are excluded totally from the story as in S9 and S11 in which the pronoun you is translated into them. This affects the readers to be positioned as only readers, while the decision to use pronoun you is to include the readers in the story and to ask the readers to be part of the character. To support the argument in the second problem, the writer also conducts a questionnaire distribution to some respondents. After distributing the questionnaires to some respondents, the writer has found out that out of 5 respondents, 3 of them agree that the source novel Deadly Game has been translated inaccurately in terms of singular and plural forms. The first agreement comes from R2. She formulates that from 39 English noun forms in Deadly Game and Permainan Maut, 29 of them are considered inaccurate. According to her, the target text is inaccurate because there are many plural words which are not translated into their plural forms since the effect is very significant. Also, there are some words which are translated inaccurately, for example, the translation of words into suara in S4 which must be translated into PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI kata-kata . She argues that the inaccuracy can affect the source text. The “mental” description that the readers get will be different, for example, di balik pohon itu means one tree which should be di balik pepohonan itu means many trees and stones means many which is translated into batu means one. They will give a different understanding to the readers. R2 gives a 5 for the target text because she thinks that although the main idea can still be delivered clearly to the readers, but there will be many details which will be misunderstood by them. The second opinion comes from R3. She judges that out of 39 noun forms provided, 32 of them are inaccurately translated. She gives an opinion that the translator only thinks too much that the target text will be good and simple without paying attention on the meaning differences that exist between the source text and the target text. This problem can also cause the differences between the stories and, as a result, the “feeling” in the source text cannot be delivered fully in the target text and sometimes in the target text the “feeling” is totally different compared to the source text. At last, she decides to give a 6 for the target text because the meaning of the information details in the source text is sometimes changed in the target text. Entirely, the stories are almost similar, but the “feeling” that the readers may get is different, for example, the translation of words into suara which is very different in meaning. The last opinion is made by R5. She totalizes that 21 noun forms are translated inaccurately out of 39. She summarizes that in the target text sometimes there are some words which are not similar to those in the source text which can raise an ambiguity. She thinks that the target text will make the readers hardly understand the story when continuing reading the target text and it can cause some strangeness when enjoying the story and that sometimes they will prefer reading the original text. A 7 is given to the target text because the translated version can be considered not too good but also not too bad. It just needs some correction and revision to make it more interesting. The last two respondents disagree that the English singular-plural forms in the source text are translated inaccurately. R1 thinks that 30 out of 39 noun forms are considered accurate because the accuracy of a translation is not only observed from the details, but also from the context and the terms which are usually used in the target language. She thinks that the problems above will not cause any effects to the source text because the context is delivered clearly. In other words, if the context in the target text is very similar to the source text, it will be sounded unnatural. R4 thinks that 21 noun forms are translated accurately as long as the readers can still understand the story and get the same message between the target text and the source text. She argues that the problems above will not cause any effects because the plurality will not decrease the meaning of the story, for example, displays which is translated into foto in S13 has no differences. It is inappropriate to say foto-foto since the readers still understand the context. She gives a 7 for the target text because she thinks that there are also some words which are translated inaccurately and can cause ambiguity, for example, Human Sacrifices into Korban Manusia which is misunderstood. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Based on the analysis and the questionnaires above, it can be said that generally the translated version Permainan Maut is considered inaccurate in terms of singular and plural forms although there are two respondents who disagree with the writer. According to two respondents, R2 and R3, the inaccuracy problems above can cause the TT readers get different idea and feeling from the ST readers. Thus, the target text readers will find hardly to understand the story. Two other respondents R4 and R5 state that the inaccuracy problems can create ambiguity in Permainan Maut . The only respondent who says that the inaccuracy problems above will not cause any effects toward the original story Deadly Game is R1.

C. The Reasons of the Translator of Applying Translation Shift in Permainan

Maut After conducting an interview with the translator of Deadly Game, the writer finds out some main notes on the reasons why the translator makes some shifts in translating English singular and plural forms into Indonesian language. The translator actually does not really pay attention to the forms. He says that he does not realize that he has shifted many forms in Deadly Game. For example, when translating reading one of his comics into sedang membaca komiknya , he tries to make effective the sentence. He thinks that the word sedang in Indonesian language will be awkward if joined with salah satu komiknya. According to him, the word sedang is most suitable if followed directly by the noun komik. He also gives an opinion that this problem will not really affect the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI story. He states that translation is only about acceptable or unacceptable for the target readers. His unintentional in making shift actually has caused many problems in meaning. When shown the data, he just realizes that he has made some mistakes in translating English singular and plural forms. He admits that he perceives his own translation as a subjective opinion. For example, the word trunks which he translates into its singular form batang does not very much affect the original story. It will be a different case if seen from different context, for example the translation of words into suara in S4. From the context, the verb muffled which means tidak jelas is not suitable to be with words. He says that muffled is more suitable to explain suara. That is why he chooses to shift the form than to find other relevant verb for kata-kata. When asked about his opinion that some readers state that his translation result is inaccurate and that the writer discusses the translation shift phenomena from his work, he expresses that it is worth to accept. He gives an opinion that if a translated novel is considered acceptable for a translator, some readers may find the text strange and different from the original text, it is an ordinary phenomenon. The translator also realizes that his translation work is a little bit awkward especially when relating it to the Indonesian culture, as in S6 raises an eyebrow and mengangkat alisnya in which they are very different in meaning as has been explained in the above analysis. He does not deny that some effects can arise from the shifts that he has made. From the interview, it is also revealed that actually the translator underestimates the source text. What is meant here is that the target readers of the source text are children above 7 years old, that is why the translator does not really pay attention to his work. He does not really rely on the theories of translation or any related dictionaries. He just thinks that as long as the story can be delivered and accepted to the target readers, his work is considered accurate. In other word, the translator emphasizes on the acceptability in which he prefers to stand on the side of the TT readers. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


A. Conclusion

Having discussed the research questions related to the topic, in this part the writer will try to conclude the findings from the answers. The answers to the problems will be directly provided and summed up from the discussion. Based on the first analysis in the previous chapter, it can be observed that there are 39 English singular-plural forms found in Deadly Game and Permainan Maut considered inaccurately translated. 31 of them are the inaccuracy in translating English plural forms and 8 are the inaccuracy in translating the English singular forms. The inaccuracy problems above have created three types of changes, they are meaning change, perspective change and atmosphere change. What is meant by meaning change is the change in meaning, for example in S1 in which the translation of one of his comics is changed into komiknya which should be salah satu komiknya since Jake has many comics. The perspective change can be seen in S9 where the sentence Jake raises an eyebrow is totally changed into Jake mengangkat alisnya. The translator sees this case as some other sentences which he only needs to translate them as what they are, while in fact, the author views this sentence as an idiom. The atmosphere change can be observed in S8 where the atmosphere of the subtitle Human Sacrifices is turned less scary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI