Hasil Uji t-test Mean Empiris dan Mean Teoretis Dimensi Endurance Hasi Uji t-test Mean Empiris dan Mean Teoretis Employability

A. Uji Linearitas AQ dan Employability

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: EMPLOY Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 Linear .496 212.403 1 216 .000 31.820 .806 The independent variable is AQ.

B. Uji Linearitas dimensi Control dan Employability

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: EMPLOY Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 Linear .226 62.997 1 216 .000 80.182 1.768 The independent variable is CONTROL.

C. Uji Linearitas dimensi Origin dan Employability

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: EMPLOY Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 Linear .323 102.953 1 216 .000 58.496 3.291 The independent variable is ORIGIN.

D. Uji Linearitas dimensi Ownership dan Employability

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: EMPLOY Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 Linear .460 183.673 1 216 .000 47.671 3.137 The independent variable is OWNERSHIP.

E. Uji Linearitas dimensi Reach dan Employability

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: EMPLOY Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 Linear .116 28.397 1 216 .000 91.117 1.544 The independent variable is REACH.

F. Uji Linearitas dimensi Endurance dan Employability

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: EMPLOY Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 Linear .444 172.377 1 216 .000 44.542 3.275 The independent variable is ENDURANCE. Lampiran 7: Hasil Uji Hipotesis

A. Korelasi AQ dan Employability

Correlations EMPLOY AQ Spearmans rho EMPLOY Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .695 Sig. 1-tailed . .000 N 218 218 AQ Correlation Coefficient .695 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed .000 . N 218 218 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 1-tailed.

B. Korelasi dimensi Control dan Employbaility

Correlations EMPLOY CONTROL Spearmans rho EMPLOY Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .594 Sig. 1-tailed . .000 N 218 218 CONTROL Correlation Coefficient .594 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed .000 . N 218 218 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 1-tailed.

C. Korelasi dimensi Origin dan Employability

Correlations EMPLOY ORIGIN Spearmans rho EMPLOY Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .544 Sig. 1-tailed . .000 N 218 218 ORIGIN Correlation Coefficient .544 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed .000 . N 218 218 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 1-tailed.

D. Korelasi dimensi Ownership dan Employability

Correlations EMPLOY OWNERSHIP Spearmans rho EMPLOY Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .668 Sig. 1-tailed . .000 N 218 218 OWNERSHIP Correlation Coefficient .668 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed .000 . N 218 218 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 1-tailed.

E. Korelasi dimensi Reach dan Employability

Correlations EMPLOY REACH Spearmans rho EMPLOY Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .357 Sig. 1-tailed . .000 N 218 218 REACH Correlation Coefficient .357 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed .000 . N 218 218 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 1-tailed.

F. Korelasi dimensi Endurance dan Employability

Correlations EMPLOY ENDURANCE Spearmans rho EMPLOY Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .648 Sig. 1-tailed . .000 N 218 218 ENDURANCE Correlation Coefficient .648 1.000 Sig. 1-tailed .000 . N 218 218 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 1-tailed.