Researcher Ss: Students Interview 6, Appendix E

91 Even though the students’ comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation were significantly improved, there were still problems that emerged in Cycle 1. The first problem was that the students had difficulties in fluency. Most of them still answered the questions with single word and made the answers with a long pause. In the first meeting, there were only five students that spoke without a long pause. In the second meeting, there were 5 students and in the third one there were eight students. The problems could also be found in the following data. The researcher gave the examples of language function and introduced some vocabulary items through some videos. She played it and asked the students to pay attention to adjectives to describe people. ‘Please repeat after him’ the researcher said. The students pronounced some words that presented in videos ‘tall, pretty, handsome, fat, short’. The students repeated it in any occasions with correct intonation, in their groups, when they were practicing to use language function, even when they were interviewed. … Field Notes 3, Appendix D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R :Kalau untuk pronunciation tadi gimana Dek? Bisa paham nggak apa yang mbak jelaskan? Misal kalau yang ada tanda kecil diatas itu harus di-stress atau dinaikkan intonasinya. Sudah mulai paham penggunaannya? How was about pronunciation aspect? Did you understand? Like, if there was a small strip on word, it meant the intonation was rising. Did you get the point how to use it? S1 : Ya. Yes. S24: Ya. Yes. R :Seneng nggak belajar pronunciation tadi? Were you happy with learning pronounciation? S23: Seneng banget. I was very happy. S4 :Ya, seneng. Yes, I was happy.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 6, Appendix E

92 R : Ketika berbicara dengan Bahasa Inggris dalam kelompok tadi apa yang Adik rasakan? Misal, berhenti agak lama karena tidak tahu apa yang akan dikatakan, terbata-bata atau lumayan lancar dibandingkan sebelumnya? When you were speaking in your group, what did you feel? Did you stop in long pause? Or were you not fluent? Or did you speak smooth enough compared with previous meeting? S32: Masih terbata-bata. It was still not fluent. S29: Belum lancar ngomongnya. It was not fluent. S13:Masih terbata-bata tapi diusahain agar bisa lebih lancar lagi. It was not fluent, but I would try harder. S27: Terbata-bata. It was not fluent.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 4, Appendix E

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R : Ketika berbicara dengan Bahasa Inggris dalam kelompok tadi apa yang Adik rasakan? Misal, berhenti agak lama karena tidak tahu apa yang akan dikatakan, terbata-bata atau lumayan lancar dibandingkan sebelumnya? When you were speaking in your group, what did you feel? Did you stop in long pause, not fluent, or smooth enough compared with previous meeting? S1 :Masih terbata-bata. It was still not fluent. R :Itu penyebabnya apa? Vocabulary-nya kan sudah mbak kasih banyak tadi, pronunciation-nya juga sudah mbak kasih tahu, ini lho cara mengucapkannya, terus ada videonya juga kan tadi…What was the causes? The vocabulary items had been taught already, pronunciation was too, I told you how to pronounce some words, there was also a video …. S24: Merangkai kata-katanya itu mbak… How to arrange the words, Miss… S23:Ya…Yes. S4 :Grammar-nya itu masih belum lancar, jadi kalau mau jawab itu masih terbata-bata…harus mikir dulu. The grammar usage was not smooth, when I wanted to answer, it was still not fluent….I had to think about it first.

R: Researcher

Ss: Students Interview 6, Appendix E ... The researcher made a correction. ‘What is about her hair?’ she said again. ‘emm.....’ the student looked confused. … Field Notes 3, Appendix D 93 The second problem that emerged during the first cycle was students’ grammar accuracy in using the language functions. In the first meeting, the students mostly left ‘to be’ when saying a sentence. They tended to say ‘What_ the shape of this book?’ instead of ‘What is the shape of this book?’ In the second meeting, the students got the same problem like previous meeting. The students had a difficulty to define ‘to be’ in a sentence. They tended to say ‘She _ fat’ instead of ‘She is fat’ The problems could also be found in the following data. R :Ketika berbicara dalam kelompok tadi atau menjawab soal-soal, apakah Adik masih mengalami kesalahan grammar? When you spoke in your group or answered the questions, did you speak with grammar mistakes? S18:Masih. Yes, I still made mistakes. R :Kalau misalkan dibuat ukuran, selalu,sering, kadang-kadang, jarang? If you had to measure, It happened always, often, sometimes, seldom? S9 :Kadang-kadang. Sometimes. S6 :Kadang-kadang. Sometimes. S12:Kadang-kadang. Sometimes. S11:Itu lho mbak, kalau ada kalimat yang ditambah se situ kadang-kadang masih salah. I still made a mistake in sentence that was added ses.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 9, Appendix E