Tujuan Pembelajaran Materi It is beautiful.

182 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN RPP Satuan Pendidikan : SMK N 1 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris KelasSemester : X1 Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit AspekSkill : Mendengarkan - Berbicara Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice Kompetensi Dasar : 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar. Indikator : 1. Siswa dapat menyampaikan ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta pemberian responnya dengan tepat. 2. Siswa dapat menyampaikan ungkapan simpati serta pemberian respon terhadapnya dengan tepat.

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

a. Siswa dapat menyampaikan ungkapan penyesalan dan permintaan maaf serta responnya dengan tepat. b. Siswa dapat menyampaikan ungkapan simpati serta pemberian responnya dengan tepat. c. Siswa dapat memahami penggunaan adjectives for expressing feelings. d. Siswa dapat memahami penggunaan adjectives ‘-ing’ dan ‘-ed’ dengan tepat. e. Siswa dapat menggunakan adjective set expressions dengan tepat. f. Siswa dapat memahami penggunaan subject-verb agreement.

2. Materi

a. Language functions: Cycle 1 Meeting 3 183 Expressing Regret Expressing regret about someone’s personal circumtances • I’m sorry to hear about that. • Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear it. Expressing regret about a minor accident or event. • What a pity. • What a shame. • What a nuisance. Expressing shock or regret about a serious incident. • Goodness • How awful • How terrible APOLOGY RESPONSE Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about … Please accept my apology for … Please excuse … e.g., my cat I would like to apologize for … I apologize for … I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to … I’m sorry that … Sorry… That’s quite all right I completely understand You don’t need to apologize. Oh, that’s all right. It can happen to anyone. It’s not your fault. Don’t worry about it It’s OK No problem. Forget it. Expression of sympathy • I’m sorry to hear that. • I’m sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. • I was deeply saddened to hear of your loss. • You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your aunt. • May the comfort of God help you during this difficult time. EXPRESSING FEELING An adjective is used to describe how someone feels. There are many adjectives we can use, such as: angry, confident, happy, sad, etc. Look at these sentences. • The teacher is angry. • He feels confident. • They are happy. • You look sad. 184 Adjectives ending in –ed and –ing Look at these sentences: ¾ I was attracted by the title of the film. ¾ You said that waiting is boring. ¾ I was satisfied with the service because it is satisfying. The bold typed words are adjectives which are ending –ed and –ing. Adjectives ending in –ed show the result of feeling towards something, while adjectives ending in –ing show that something cause or affect people in a certain way. It can be understood from this example. - Agus was disappointed with the hotel service Agus feels disappointed because of the service. - The hotel service is disappointing the hotel service causes Agus disappointed. Adjective Set Expressions Read these sentences. The man looks angry. The children feel shy. The woman seems confident. The words looks, feel, seems are called linking verbs. Some adjectives may come after them. These are the other common verbs which are followed by adjectives: appear smell become sound get taste grow Subject and Verb Agreement ™ I am happy to see you. ™ John is happy to see you. ™ We are happy to see you. ™ The idea sounds great. ™ The ideas sound great. 3. Teknik : Jigsaw 185

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Procedure