General Findings Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

123 Figure 21: The number of students who performed each indicator in Cycle 2 From the explanation above, the result of Cycle 2 was said to be valid because it was in line with the concept of process, dialogic and outcome validity. It meant that there were some improvements after implementation of actions which were supported by some data sources, such as field notes and interview transcripts. The result was also reliable because there was more than one observer in gathering the data. It was in line with the concept of researcher triangulation. By considering good improvements of students’ speaking skills, it was decided to stop the cycle.

3. General Findings

Based on the reflection of Cycle 1, the students had shown improvements on their participation, confidence, comprehension, vocabulary and pronunciation. However, they still got problems in fluency and grammar. Therefore, the 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 N u m b e r o f st u d e n ts in Comprehension Fluency Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar 124 researcher and the English teacher decided to continue the cycle. In Cycle 2, it was found that the students improved in every indicator. The result of the both cycle can be seen in the following chart. Figure 22: The number of students performing each indicator in cycle 1 and 2 The chart above shows that the number of students who performed each indicator improved. It indicates that the use of the jigsaw technique and the accompanying actions were successful in improving the students’ speaking skills. As the result, there were changes that occurred during the implementation of the actions. Here is the summary of changes that happened before and after the actions were conducted. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd N u m b e r o f st u d e n ts in Meetings Comprehension Fluency Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Cycle I Cycle II 125 Table 12: The Changes that Existed after the Implementation Before the Actions were Implemented After the Actions were Implemented Cycle 1 Cycle 2 The students did not fully participate during the speaking activities. The students participated in the speaking activities. They paid attention and gave responses to the explanation. Most of them were enthusiastic to join in. The students kept their participation during the activities. They practiced speaking enthusiastically. Most of the students were not confident to speak English. They were shy and afraid to make mistakes in speaking. Most of them were not shy and afraid to speak anymore. They were willing to practice speaking. However, they still needed much encouragement. The students’ confidence in speaking English improved. They were not shy to speak and not afraid to make mistakes. The students had difficulties in following what was said in English. They could comprehend only a few instructions and social conversation, such as greeting and leave taking. The students had been accustomed to the use of the classroom English. Most of them could give appropriate responses on greeting, checking attendance and leave taking. However, they were still confused when the researcher used English in explanation. The students needed more help in translation. The students could appropriately respond to greetings, checking attendance, and leave taking. They could comprehend explanation and some instructions in English better with less translation. Most of the students could not speak fluently. They were hesitant to speak and sometimes forced into silence when they were asked to practice. Some students were fluent enough when they used the language functions that had been taught. However, some of them sometimes forgot the language function and made grammatical mistakes. Some students were fluent enough when they used the language functions that had been taught in correct order. Their grammatical mistakes were reduced. The students lacked vocabulary mastery. They stopped speaking to look for the vocabulary by asking their friends. Even though the students still forgot some words, they could memorize the vocabulary better than before. The students could memorize the vocabulary well. They could use the words in language functions. Continued Continued Continued 126 Before the Actions were Implemented After the Actions were Implemented Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Continued Continued Continued The students often spoke with grammatical errors. The students realized the grammatical errors in their speaking. The students were more aware if they said something wrong in grammar. The students had difficulties in pronunciation. They mispronounced some words and used inappropriate intonation. Some students could apply the appropriate intonation when they said the language functions. However, they still got difficulties in pronouncing the words. Most of the students could pronounce the words correctly and said the functions with the appropriate intonation better than before. The speaking teaching and the learning process lacked of fun activities. The students began to explore and try some various media and activities during the learning process. The students enjoyed the activities during the learning process. Besides the result above, the success of the actions was also considered by comparing the results of the pre-test and the post-test. In pre-test and post-test, some indicators were used to assess students speaking skills. They were comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. The students’ pre-test and post-test scores could be seen in Appendix F. The different average results between the pre-test and the post-test based on each indicator can be seen in the following table. Table 13: The Mean Score of Each Indicator in Pre-test and Post-Test Indicators Pre-Test Post-Test Comprehension 2.14 4 Fluency 1.83 3.15 Vocabulary 1.70 3.38 Pronunciation 1.56 3.11 Grammar 1.45 2.88 127 The table shows that in each indicator, the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score. It means that the students’ speaking skills were improved. The improvements of students’ speaking skills can also be seen in the following chart. Figure 23: The Mean Score of Each Indicator in Pre-test and Post-Test From the chart above it is clearly seen the mean score of each indicator in the post-test increased. The improvements of the mean scores were 86.92 for comprehension, 72.13 for fluency, 98.82 for vocabulary, 99.36 for pronunciation, and 98.62 for grammatical accuracy. To support the data of grammar, the researcher conducted a written test of grammar to the students. The improvement of mean score was 45.75. The result can also be seen in the following table. 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 Pre ‐Test Post ‐Test Me a n S co re Comprehension Fluency Vocabulary Prounciation Grammar 128 Table 14: The Mean Score of Written Grammar Indicator Pre-Test Post-Test Written Grammar 55.1 80.31 As the final reflection, the researcher and the English teacher discussed the result of this research. They agreed that the actions implemented were successful to improve students’ speaking skills. In other words, the objective of the research was achieved. Therefore, after the result of the last cycle had shown a good improvement in students’ speaking, they decided to stop the cycle.

C. Research Discussion