Researcher Ss: Students Researcher Ss: Students Researcher Ss: Students Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

115 Beside their participation, the students’ confidence to speak was also maintained. Since the students still liked the speaking activities, they were not shy either afraid to speak English. It can be seen in the data below. R : Pas di dalam kelompok tadi bicara dengan Bahasa Inggris nggak? Did you speak English in your group? S15: Sedikit. Yes, a little bit. S29: Sedapatnya. Yes, as I could do.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 13, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R : Tadi pas mbak minta untuk practice di depan, masih malu nggak? Did you feel shy when I asked you to practice in front of class? S15: Nggak. No, I did not. S1 : Nggak.No, I did not. S3 : Malah tambah semangat mbak untuk majunya. I was more enthusiastic to practice.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 11, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R : Kalau untuk latihan berbicara di depan tanpa teks tadi bagaimana? How was your feeling to practice in front of class without looking at your text? S13: Ya, seru sih..It was challenging. R : Mau coba lagi nggak besok? Do you want to try it again next time? S13: Pengen. Yes, I would. R : Yang lain? How did about the others? S26: InsyaAlloh. InshaAlloh.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 13, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T: Sudah bagus. Siswanya sudah mulai berani untuk ngomong, untuk berbicara. Jadi sudah ada peningkatan dari hari-hari sebelumnya. It was running well. The students had a confidence to speak. There was an improvement than before.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

116 During the implementation of Cycle 2, the students performed the indicators of speaking aspects, i.e. comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. The students who had achieved the indicators in every meeting could be seen in Appendix F. The number of students who achieved each indicator in Cycle 2 is presented in the following table. Table 11: The Number of Students who Performed Each Indicator in Cycle 2 Indicators Number of Students in Cycle 2 Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Average ∑ ∑ ∑ Comprehension 30 93.75 32 100 32 100 97.92 Fluency 16 50 22 68.75 28 87.5 68.75 Vocabulary 29 90.63 32 100 32 100 96.88 Pronunciation 27 84.38 29 90.63 30 93.75 89.59 Grammar 19 59.38 27 84.38 29 90.63 78.13 According to the result, the students’ improvements lied on every aspect of speaking. The students’ comprehension, pronunciation and vocabulary were -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk confidence-nya bagaimana Bu? What did your opinion about the confidence? T: Sudah meningkat juga, hanya beberapa anak saja yang masih diam, tapi tadi sudah diganti maksudnya anak yang sudah pernah maju diganti dengan yang belum pernah maju, jadi sudah mulai meningkat confidence- nya. The confidence had been improved. Some students kept silent, but the other students who never joined substituted them. In other words, the students who ever invited changed by the other students who never invited.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E