Collaborator Interview 3, Appendix E

83 process validity was fulfilled by gathering the data through more than one technique, i.e. observation, interview and discussion with the collaborator. It was supported by some data sources, such as field notes and interview transcripts. The catalytic validity was fulfilled by giving chances to the students and the collaborator to give their response dealing with the action implemented. Besides, the result of the action was reliable because it was in line with the concept of time triangulation.

c. Reflection

In the first cycle, the use of the jigsaw technique and the accompanying actions had made some improvements. The first improvement lied on students’ participation in speaking activities. The students were enthusiastic to join the activities and to practice speaking. They used the language functions throughout speaking practice in groups. Moreover, the use of the jigsaw technique could also sustain the students’ interest in practice speaking until the end of the activities. In other words, the students’ participation was improved. It can also be seen in the following data. R: Kalau pada saat mereka di dalam kelompok tadi gimana, maksudnya apakah mereka benar-benar memanfaatkan waktu? How were the activities of the students in their groups? Did they really manage the time well? C: Ada beberapa kelompok, ada beberapa anak yang mandiri, misal nggak didatangi sama gurunya atau observer-nya itu dia berlatih sendiri, dalam kelompok itu aktif ngomong. … There were some groups practicing autonomously and speaking actively even without teacher or observer’s monitor. …

R: Researcher

C: Collaborator Interview 3, Appendix E

84 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Bagaimana respon siswa atau keterlibatan mereka dalam kelompok Bu, apakah mereka sudah menggunakan bahasa Inggris? How was the students’ response or their participation in groups, did they speak English? T: Ya, lumayan. Kebanyakan sudah menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Apalagi kalau dipantau satu-satu dan dipancing-pancing biar mau ngomong. … Yes, it was not bad. Most of the students had used English in speaking. It would be better to monitor one by one and gave stimulation to speak more… R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 5 , Appendix E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R : Apakah tadi Adik terlibat aktif dalam kelompok? Did you participate actively in group? S1 : Kadang aktif kadang nggak tergantung mood. Sometimes I participated actively, sometimes I did not, It was depend on mood. S15: Kadang-kadang. Sometimes. S23: Kalau kita cerewet-cerewet semua. All of us were chatty. S4 : Kita cerewetnya pake bahasa Inggris kok miss. We were chatting in English, Miss. R : Keren itu…grup apa sih kalian? That was cool. What was your group name? S4 : Apple.Apple. R : Berarti terlibat aktif ya, kalau ada temen tanya kita jawab. So, you participated actively, if your friend asked, you would answer it. All :Ya. Yes.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 6 , Appendix E Then, the researcher asked the students in expert group to come back to the ‘homebase group’ for sharing their knowledge or information. The students were busy to tell the other friends in their group. Each student shared the different topic. “In the first group, I make a dialogue about how to describe the people based on their profession.” said one student. “I learn about tempat-tempat bersejarah.” said the other student. ... … The researcher reviewed the materials, made a conclusion and asked the students about their feeling while practicing of speaking in group. They said that they were happy, liked the song and wanted to dance together again in the next meeting. ... Field Notes 3, Appendix D 85 The improvement on students’ participation was in line with their progress on their confidence to speak English. The students’ confidence was better than before. Since the students liked the jigsaw technique and the accompanying actions, they were not shy and afraid to speak English. It can be seen in the interview transcript below. R : Bagaimana perasaannya setelah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan teknik jigsaw tadi yang barusan? How was your feeling after learning English using the jigsaw technique? S17: Seneng sih…karena apa ya….bisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. I was happy….because I could use English well and appropriately. S32: Lumayan seneng. I was happy enough. S29: Seneng, nggak bosenin gitu lho, kan ada permainannya. I was happy. It did not make me bored because there was a game. S13: Asyik, seru, seneng. I was happy and enjoyed it. S27: Senang karena jadi tahu banyak kata-kata… I was happy because I knew many words R : Vocabulary-nya? Did you mean the vocabulary? S27: Ya, sebelumnya nggak tahu jadi tahu. Yes, I didn’t know it before, but I just knew it now. R : Lebih banyak tahu ya berarti vocabulary-nya. You knew more vocabulary items, didn’t you? … R :Tadi pas tadi diminta teman untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris apakah masih merasa malu, takut atau sudah lumayan PD? When your friend asked you for speaking English, did you feel shy, nervous, or confident enough? S17: PD. I felt confident. S29: Saya terlalu PD mbak tapi masih dalam batas wajar. I was confident in normally. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In ‘homebase group’, she asked all of students to practice to use the expression how to apologize, showed regret, and showed sympathy. The researchers invited some students in group to practice in front of class “Which groups that brave enough to practice in front of class? I will give you a ‘smiley’ “.They would be given a ‘smiley’ for the reward. The students seemed interested with this activity; most of students raised their hand to take a chance. They could choose the language function that would be used in their conversation. ... Field Notes 4, Appendix D 86 S13: Di PD-PD-in aja.I was confident.

R: Researcher Ss: Students