Weighing the Field Problems Determining Actions to Solve the Feasible Field Problems

61 speaking teaching and learning process. The problems that affected the low speaking skills of the tenth grade students at SMK N 1 Depok are presented in the table below. Table 4: The Problems Affecting the Tenth Grade Students’ Low Speaking Skills at SMK N 1 Depok No. Problems Codes 1 The English lesson in the classroom was rarely focused in speaking. TT 2 The students were shy and hesitant to speak English. S 3 The students often spoke with grammatical errors. S 4 The students had difficulty in memorizing formula or tenses. S, TT 5 The students had problems in memorizing the vocabulary. S, TT 6 The students still had difficulties in pronunciation. S, T 7 The teaching and learning process lacked the use of media. Md 8 The students did not fully participate in the speaking activities. S, TT 9 The speaking teaching and learning process lacked fun activities. TT 10 The students’ speaking practice only lasted for a few times. TT 11 Speaking activities were not varied. TT, T 12 Most of the students could not speak fluently. S S: Students TT: Teaching Techniques T: Teacher Md: Media

2. Weighing the Field Problems

Since there were many problems in the teaching and learning process, it was necessary to figure out the very urgent problems that needed to be solved soon. Those problems were related to the students’ speaking skills in the English teaching and learning process. As there were many problems occurred, the 62 researcher and the English teacher had a discussion to weigh the problems based on the urgency level. The problems were grouped into three categories, i.e. very urgent, urgent, and less urgent problems. Here are the very urgent problems that were taken. Table 5: The Problems Affecting the Tenth Grade Students’ Low Speaking Skills at SMK N I Depok that Needed to be Solved Soon No. Aspect Problems Sources 1 Confidence and Comprehension The students were shy and hesitant to speak English. Observation and interview 2 Grammar The students often spoke with grammatical errors. Observation and interview 3 Fluency Most of the students could not speak fluently. Observation and interview 4 Vocabulary The students had problems in memorizing the vocabulary. Observation and interview 5 Pronunciation The students still had difficulties in pronunciation. Observation 6 Teaching technique The speaking teaching and learning process lacked of fun activities. Observation and interview 7 Participation The students did not fully participate in the speaking activities. Observation From the problems described above, it can be seen that the teaching and learning of speaking need to be improved with the certain teaching technique. The researcher decided to use the jigsaw technique in cooperative learning to solve the problems dealing with the confidence, comprehension, grammar, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and participation. 63

3. Determining Actions to Solve the Feasible Field Problems

After identifying the field problems that were urgent and feasible to be solved, the researcher and the teacher formulated some actions to overcome the problems. There were five actions that were planned as the result of the discussion. a. Using the jigsaw technique during the speaking. b. Giving feedback during or in the end of the teaching and learning process. c. Using interesting English material to make the students more interested to learn and discuss with others. d. Giving vocabulary items enrichment and modeling some words. e. Using various media and fun activities in presenting new language to gain the students’ interest during the teaching and learning process. Table 6: The Problems Affecting the Tenth Grade Students’ Low Speaking Skills at SMK N I Depok and the Actions No. Problems Actions 1 The students were shy and hesitant to speak English. Implementing the jigsaw technique. 2 The students often spoke with grammatical errors. Giving some feedbacks that could be oral or written . 3 Most of the students could not speak fluently. Providing more opportunities to practice speaking in the jigsaw technique, giving vocabularies enrichment, using simple the classroom English instruction, and giving feedback. continued continued 64 No. Problems Actions continued continued 4 The students had problems in memorizing the vocabulary. Using media, giving vocabulary items enrichment, giving feedback, and implementing the jigsaw technique. 5 The students still had difficulties in pronunciation. Conducting pronunciation practice, giving feedback or correction during activities 6 The speaking teaching and learning process lacked of fun activities. Using various media and fun activity. 7 The students did not fully participate in the speaking activities. Implementing the jigsaw technique and using interesting English material.

B. Implementation of the Actions