Conceptual Framework LITERATURE REVIEW AND

40 and would increase students confidence in acquiring the language, and would improve their speaking skills. The third is Wulandari 2009 in her thesis Improving Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Jigsaw A Classroom Action Research at The 8th Year of SMP N 2 Pracimantoro. In her research, she concludes that using the jigsaw in speaking activities gives better improvement in students’ speaking skills. The teacher plays important roles to give and arrange interesting material. Gap information among students stimulates them to interact with others. Based on the related studies above, there are many strategies and techniques to promote the speaking skills. The previous studies put the emphasis on the Communicative Group Technique and using songs and puppets. The other study uses the jigsaw as the technique. Some strategies and techniques can make a better improvement towards the students’ speaking skills. This research is also implementing the jigsaw technique in cooperative learning with the tenth grade students of SMK N 1 Depok as research members of the study that is different with the previous studies.

C. Conceptual Framework

Speaking is one of important skills in English for some reasons. First, speaking is process to carry out conversation. Second, speaking is process to get information or meaning from others. Third, speaking is the way to build a good social relationship. Thus, speaking skill is necessary things for our life. 41 However, the problems occur in SMK N 1 Depok related to this speaking skill. Related to students’ factors, there are five problems. First, the lack of vocabulary mastery. Second, the students like to use their native language more than English language in teaching learning process. Third, they have low motivation to practice English outside the classroom. Fourth, most the students are not confident and shy to speak English and engaged autonomously with their peer in learning process. Fifth, the students are afraid to make mistakes. Related to teacher’s factors, there are two problems. Firstly, the teacher does not have a creative method or technique in teaching speaking. Secondly, the teacher does not give more opportunities on learning process to communicate and express the idea without feeling hesitant with peer group in classroom. Dealing with those problems, the jigsaw technique in cooperative learning proposes some solutions to solve problems in SMK N 1 Depok. The first, the jigsaw technique, all students in a group are held accountable for doing their share of the work and for mastery of all of the material to be learned. The students in a group are intended to convey the information as good as possible to other members. In this kind of situation, the students will make the other students to understand with their explanation. The students are expected to speak longer on rich vocabulary in order to make their explanation comprehensible. The second, the jigsaw technique increases the amount of talking time for individual students. It gives students more opportunity to practice language without feeling hesitant. In most condition, the students like to use their native language more than English language in teaching learning process. This technique 42 can anticipate this problem with providing more opportunity to the teacher to give feedback and correction during the activities. The other members in group also help to monitor the use of native language itself. The third, the jigsaw technique holds students accountable for both individual and group achievement. Cooperative objectives create peer norms that support high achievement. Essentially, the argument is that cooperative incentives motivate students to try to get each other to do academic work, and thereby gets students to feel that their classmates want them to do their best. All of these things can help students who have problem with low motivation to practice English. The fourth, many of the students are not confident and shy to speak English and engaged autonomously with their peer in learning process. Like authentic communication, the jigsaw technique uses information gaps that must be bridged for succesful of completion of the task. In other words, in this technique students must depend on each other for their information, so they must interact at all stages to accomplish a given task. Furthermore, based on characteristics of cooperative learning, the students are encouraged and helped to develop and practice trust-building, leadership, decision-making, communication, and conflict management skills. Although some of the group work may be parcelled out and done individually, some must be done interactively, with group members providing one another with feedback, challenging reasoning and conclusions, and perhaps most importantly, teaching and encouraging one another. The jigsaw technique is an alternative way to make students feel secure and enjoy. When they 43 are in comfort zone, it makes them to speak longer, fluent, and not afraid to make a mistake. The fifth, the jigsaw technique is one of speaking activities that can be applied by the teacher in the classroom. It gives opportunities for the students to practice speaking and helps to maintain their interest for achieving competence and cooperative objective among students. In addition, the previous research results also present that the jigsaw technique is one of effective strategies to promote students’ speaking skills. Therefore, the researcher decided to use the jigsaw technique to solve the problems in learning speaking. It is expected that the jigsaw technique can promote the students’ speaking skills at the tenth grade of SMK N 1 Depok. 44


A. Type of the Research

This research was classified as action research since it tried to solve problems discovered in the teaching and learning process based on the preliminary observation and interviews. According to Burns 1999: 30, action research is the application of fact finding to practical problem solving in a social situation with a view to improve the quality of actions in it by involving the collaboration and corporation of researcher, practitioners and laymen. Furthermore, Carr and Kemis in Burns 2010: 5 state that action research is ‘self-reflective enquiry’ undertaken by participants in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices as well as their understanding of these practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out. So, one of the aims of action research is to identify a ‘problematic’ situation or obstacles that the participants who may include teachers, students, managers, administrators, or even parents in order to bring about changes, and even better improvements in practice based on information or data that researcher collects systematically.

B. Research Design

The research on improving the tenth grade students’ speaking skills through jigsaw technique at SMK N 1 Depok focused on the efforts to make better 44