Researcher Ss: Students Interview 11, Appendix E Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E Researcher Ss: Students English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

121 The next improvement was on students’ pronunciation. In the first meeting, there were 84.38 students pronounced the words correctly. In the third meeting, there were 93.75 students who performed this indicator. It meant that the students’ pronunciation was improved. The following interviews also showed the students’ improvement on pronunciation. The second problem that emerged during Cycle 1 was students’ grammar accuracy in using the language functions. The students’ accuracy in using the language functions could be improved in Cycle 2 by implementing the jigsaw R : Kalau untuk pronunciation bagaimana? How was the pronounciation? S15:Ya, jadi banyak tahu, kalau kata ini begini cara ngomongnya. They knew more how pronounce some words. S1 : Teryata gak hanya volume, tapi ada stress-nya. Ada nada-nadanya juga. It was not only volume but also there was a stress. There was intonation too.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 11, Appendix E

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk pronunciation bagaimana Ibu melihat perkembangannya? For pronunciation, how did you see the progress? T: Untuk pronunciation sudah bagus, sudah mulai meningkat, dari pertemuan pertama, kedua, ketiga, dan seterusnya, sudah ada peningkatan. The pronunciation had been adequately improved. There were improvement during the first, second, third meeting, and etc.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 15, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk vocabulary dari anak-anak sendiri sudah ada peningkatan belum Bu dari pertemuan pertama sampai hari ini? How was the students’ vocabulary itself from the first meeting until now? T: Sudah lumayan…karena semuanya kan proses ya, jadi sudah mulai kelihatan pinter, sudah lancar. I thought that during the process their vocabulary was not too bad. They were looked smart and fluent.

R: Researcher

T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

122 technique and accompanying actions. During the cycle, their mistakes in word order could be minimized. It is shown in the following data. In conclusion, there were some improvements dealing with students’ participation, confidence, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar as well as students’ speaking skills. Therefore, the researcher and the English teacher decided not to continue the cycle as the improvements were considered sufficient. The percentage of the students’ improvement could also be seen from the following chart. R: Tadi apa masih ada yang terbalik-balik menggunakan function-nya, Bu? Was there any one who said the language function with incorrect order? T: Yah, masih ada beberapa, tapi tadi setelah dibenarkan dan dibantu temannya jadi bisa. There were some of the students did, but they corrected it with their friends’ help.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 10, Appendix E