Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E Researcher Ss: Students

116 During the implementation of Cycle 2, the students performed the indicators of speaking aspects, i.e. comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. The students who had achieved the indicators in every meeting could be seen in Appendix F. The number of students who achieved each indicator in Cycle 2 is presented in the following table. Table 11: The Number of Students who Performed Each Indicator in Cycle 2 Indicators Number of Students in Cycle 2 Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Average ∑ ∑ ∑ Comprehension 30 93.75 32 100 32 100 97.92 Fluency 16 50 22 68.75 28 87.5 68.75 Vocabulary 29 90.63 32 100 32 100 96.88 Pronunciation 27 84.38 29 90.63 30 93.75 89.59 Grammar 19 59.38 27 84.38 29 90.63 78.13 According to the result, the students’ improvements lied on every aspect of speaking. The students’ comprehension, pronunciation and vocabulary were -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk confidence-nya bagaimana Bu? What did your opinion about the confidence? T: Sudah meningkat juga, hanya beberapa anak saja yang masih diam, tapi tadi sudah diganti maksudnya anak yang sudah pernah maju diganti dengan yang belum pernah maju, jadi sudah mulai meningkat confidence- nya. The confidence had been improved. Some students kept silent, but the other students who never joined substituted them. In other words, the students who ever invited changed by the other students who never invited.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

117 improved in the previous cycle, while they still got difficulties in fluency and grammar. In Cycle 2, all of the aspects were improved. The improvements were elaborated as follows. The students’ comprehension on the language function was maintained during the cycle. All the students performed the indicator in the three meetings. During those meetings, all of the students could respond to the language functions that had been taught appropriately. The result could also be seen in the following field notes and interview. R :Apakah Adek paham dengan instruksi yang mbak berikan? Did you understand with my instruction? S15: Ya. Yes. S1 : Ada yang paham ada yang nggak. Yang nggak paham, mungkin karena nggak denger. There were some instructions that I had understood. I could not understand because I did not hear it. S3 : Ya, paham. Yes, I understood.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 11, Appendix E … ‘To express or say something that is happening, we use present continuous tense.’ ‘Who wants to describe the other pictures here?’The students were invited to practice present continuous tense in front of class. ‘Can I get smiley?’ one student said. ‘Yes.’ The researcher said ‘Please describe this picture in affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms, if you know all of it But if you do not know, just in affirmative form.’ The student answered ‘This baby is sleeping. This baby is not sleepy. Is the baby sleeping?’The student described it in all of sentence forms. She got a reward for her excellent job. A correction was given by researcher ‘In negative sentence, ‘This baby is not sleeping.’ That is the correct one. We use sleeping not sleepy.’ … Field Note 5, Appendix D 118 The first problem that emerged during Cycle 1 was students’ fluency in using the language functions. The students’ fluency in using the language functions could be improved in Cycle 2 by providing a lot of opportunities to practice speaking in the jigsaw technique. In the first meeting, there were 50 students who spoke the language function at normal speed. In the second and third meeting, their fluency was still improved. The improvement can also be seen in the following data. R : Tadi pas ngomong di depan atau pas ngomong dengan teman bicara Bahasa Inggris-nya sudah lancar belum? Did you speak fluently when you were speaking in front of class or speaking English with your friends? S15: Lancar. Nggak lancar mungkin karena belum tahu artinya.Yes, I was fluent. I was not fluent because I did not know the meaning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Mungkin Ibu bisa menceritakan bagaimana tadi hasil observasinya? How did the observation result, Ma’am? T: Cukup menarik tadi, banyak kegiatan. Tidak terlalu banyak materi, jadi anak-anak bisa cepat paham, dan bisa ngomong dan diskusi tentang materi itu. It was interesting because of many activities. It was not full of material so the students could get understand easily, the students could speak and discuss the material.

R: Researcher

T: English Teacher Interview 10, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk penggunaan language function sendiri bagaimana Bu, apakah mereka sudah paham dan menggunakannya saat berbicara? How did the language function used? Did they understand and use it in speaking? T: Kalau menurut saya, anak-anak sudah paham karena sudah ditulis di papan tulis juga ya. Jadi sudah bisa membaca, menerapkannya langsung di depan kelas dan berbicara. In my opinion, the students had been understood because it was written in whiteboard. They could read, speak, and apply it immediately in front of class.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E