294 NO STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Description YES NO A. Pre-teaching 1 The students respond to the greeting. 9 2 The students are ready to learn. 9 The students are ready to conduct jigsaw technique. 9

B. Whilst-teaching

3 The students pay attention to the explanation. 9 4 The students respond to the explanation. 9 5 The students understand the researcher’s explanation. 9 6 The students make expert groups. 9 7 The students learn, discuss, and practice the language functions or learning materials in expert groups. 9 8 The students ask questions when they do not understand. 9 The students do quizgroup work. 9 9 The students come back to “homebase” group. 9 10 The students speak English during the activity. 9 11 The students do activities like peer-tutoring, tell the information and share ideas to the other members. 9 12 The students who are weaker at English can take part without being frustrated. 9 13 All of the students are involved. 9 14 The students answer quiz or group work. 9 15 The students answer quiz or do individual work. 9

C. Post-teaching

16 The students reflect the learning. 9 Observer’s Signature _________________ 295 OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Teaching and Learning Activities Observer Mrs. Tari Cycle: 1 2 3 1 Date October 18 th , 2013 Time

07.15 to 08.30 a.m. Sums of the existing students

30 Meeting 2 NO TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES Description YES NO A. Pre-teaching 1 The researcher greets the students. 9 2 The researcher checks the students’ attendance. 9 3 The researcher prepares media and learning materials for lesson today. 9 4 The researcher explains the goal of the lesson. 9 5 The researcher informs about jigsaw technique application in teaching- learning process. 9

B. Whilst-teaching

6 The researcher introduces the topic. 9 7 The researcher introduces new words or vocabularies. 9 8 The researcher introduces language function and the context. 9 9 The researcher gives the model of language functions. 9 10 The researcher uses media in presentation. 9 11 The researcher checks the students’ understanding. 9 12 The researcher asks students to make some expert groups. 9 13 The researcher directs and guides students related to materials which they do not understand in expert groups. 9 14 The researcher provides opportunities for the students to practice. 9 15 The researcher corrects the students’ mistakes or gives feedback. 9 16 The researcher monitors the students during activities. 9 17 The researcher gives quizgroup work . 9 18 The researcher asks students to come back to 9