Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 7, Appendix E Researcher C: Collaborator Interview 3, Appendix E Researcher Ss: Students Interview 4, Appendix E

89 The next improvement laid on students’ vocabulary. The number of students who had positive development in vocabulary was increased. In the first meeting 40.63 of the students performed the indicator. In the second meeting 66.67 and third meeting also increased into 76.67. The use of accompanying actions helped them in memorizing the vocabulary more easily. Since, video, picture, song, and story-telling gave the students more vocabulary items input. The following data presented their improvement on vocabulary. R: Menurut Ibu, KBM hari ini bagaimana? In your opinion, how was the teaching learning process? T: Ya…lumayan mbak, sudah ada kemajuan. Anak-anaknya sudah mulai ngomong sedkit-sedikit, sudah tambah kosakatanya. Yes, it was good, there was an improvement. The students began to speak and they got more vocabulary items too.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 7, Appendix E

R: Yang paling terlihat hari ini apa? What was dominant? C: Oh ini….participation, vocabulary sama confidence. Oh..participation, vocabulary and confidence.

R: Researcher C: Collaborator Interview 3, Appendix E

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R :Apakah dalam pembelajaran tadi Adik sudah banyak mengetahui kosakata baru? Bisa disebutkan apa saja kosakata yang diingat? Did you know more vocabulary items during the teaching learning process? Could you tell me, what were they? S17:Ya ada, kayak bent, curve. Yes, there were, for example: bent, curve S32:Ada, tapi nggak ingat. Yes, there was, but I did not remember. S13:Ada, kayak cylindrical. Yes, there was, like cylindrical.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 4, Appendix E

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R :Mengetahui banyak kosakata baru nggak hari ini? Bisa kasih contohnya? Did you know some new vocabulary items? Could you give the examples? S1 : Ya. Yes. S24: Beard… S23: Misal kayak botak itu bald. For example, botak is bald in English. 90 The students’ pronunciation was improved in Cycle 1. The number of students who had positive development in pronunciation was increased. In the first meeting 28.13 of the students performed the indicator. In the second meeting 60 and third meeting also increased into 73.33. The use of accompanying actions such as; video, picture, song, and story-telling gave the students a model how to pronounce some words in correct way. Besides that, in every meeting, the students were taught how to pronounce some vocabulary items. The improvement can also be seen in the following data. R: Kalau Ibu lihat dari 5 aspek, ada comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, yang paling menonjol dari kegiatan siswa tadi apa Bu? If you saw from five aspects, those were comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, Which one was dominant? T: Pronunciation, saya pikir. Pengucapannya….sama ini….comprehension juga sudah lumayan. Pronunciation, I think. The comprehension also was not bad enough. R: Pronunciation sama comprehension-nya sudah mulai ada peningkatan ya Bu. So, pronunciation and comprehension had been improved already. T: Ya.Yes.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 5, Appendix E