A. Conclusions

This research was aimed at improving the speaking skills of the tenth grade students of SMK N 1 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta by using jigsaw technique in cooperative learning in the academic year 20132014. In reference to the discussion in the previous chapter, it could be concluded that the implementation of the jigsaw technique and the supporting actions successfully improved the students’ speaking skills. The improvement lied on all aspects of speaking, i.e. students’ comprehension, fluency, vocabulary mastery, pronunciation as well as their grammar accuracy. It could also be seen in the result of pre-test and post-test. Here is the brief summary of the improvement. 1. The students’ comprehension on language functions was improved. It could be seen from their responses to the language functions that were taught. The students gave appropriate responses or answered to a certain expression or instruction spoken in English. The post-test mean score of students’ comprehension is 86.92. Implementing jigsaw technique successfully improved students’ comprehension as this technique provided more opportunities for the students to practice the expressions communicatively. 2. After the implementation, the students’ vocabulary mastery was improved. The post-test mean score of the students’ vocabulary is 98.82. The vocabulary review on the pre-teaching process helped the students to memorize the 132 133 vocabulary more easily. Competition among teams to memorize vocabulary as many as possible also contributed on their vocabulary mastery progress. 3. The students’ fluency was better than before. The post-test mean score of students’ fluency is 72.13. At first, the students had difficulties in fluency. After the implementation, some of the students could use the language function or expression at normal speed without hesitation and pauses for words. With a lot of practice and discussion during the implementation, it made them more accustomed with the expression or language function. As the result, their fluency was better than before. 4. The students’ pronunciation was enhanced. The mean score of pronunciation test is 99.36. After the actions were implemented, most of the students could pronounce the words correctly and say the functions with the appropriate intonation. The use of audio visual media like video in pre-teaching process and pronunciation practice after watching a video were very helpful. 5. The students’ grammatical accuracy was improved. The mean score of the test is 98.62. It can also be proved from the students’ grammar written test. The improvement of mean score was 45.75. In the beginning, the students tended to use the expression with incorrect word order or to miss part of speech of the sentences. After the implementation, the students’ grammatical mistakes were reduced. 134

B. Suggestions