Identification of the Field Problems



A. Reconnaissance

1. Identification of the Field Problems

Interviews and the classroom observation were done to identify the field problems. The researcher interviewed the English teacher who became the collaborator and the students of X Busana Butik. The interview with the English teacher was conducted on September 10 th , 2013 and the interview with the students was done on September 27 th , 2013. The researcher also observed the English teaching and learning process of X Busana Butik on September 27 th , 2013. To give a clearer description, here is the vignette of the teaching and learning process during the observation. As the researcher and the teacher entered the classroom, the students were still reciting Al Qur’an for 15 minutes. The teacher sat in her seat and the researcher sat at the back row of the students’ seat. After the students had finished reading Al Qur’an, the teacher said Salam and greeted the students. ‘Good morning, students,’ she said. The students answered, ‘Good morning, teacher.’ Next, the teacher checked the students’ attendance. The class became noisy and the teacher shouted ‘What are you talking about?’ and ‘quite, please’. After that, the teacher introduced the topic by drawing some shapes on white board. The teacher also introduced some vocabulary items and modeling the language function. The teacher began by introducing the topic and asking a question. ‘Today we learn how to describe things. What is the form of it?’ Together the students responded ‘Square’. She continued ‘What about this one?’.’ Rectangle, circle, tabung..’ the students answered. ‘Good’ she exclaimed. The teacher moved into the next step. She introduced the colors. ‘It is a cylinder. How many colour do you have?’. The students chorused ‘Banyak….pink, brown, white, black’. 57 58 Some minutes later, the teacher asked students to make a dialogue with their partner about describing things in class. First of all, the teacher gave examples on white board. She wrote, ‘What is the shape of lamp? It is cylinder. What is the colour of it? It is white.’ The teacher gave students opportunity to ask or respond to the explanation. Then, students were invited to practice the dialogue in front of class one by one. Some of them refused because they were not ready yet. When this process began, most students mispronounced some words and spoke with grammatical errors. The students’ speech was hesitant and some of them spoke word by word while memorizing the dialogue. A few students even spoke with long pause. Most of the students still had to repeat after the teacher. While the teacher was checking a pair of students’ practice, the others were busy chatting to each other. After the students had finished practice, the teacher asked students to open their book and practice to pronounce some words correctly. The teacher gave feedback with some corrections. At the end of lesson, the teacher gave students homework for next meeting. The teacher summarized the topic and the objective of lesson today in last minutes before saying goodbye. When the time was up, the teacher said goodbye and left the class with the researcher. Field Notes 1, Appendix D Based on the vignette above, it can be concluded that the teaching and learning process did not run very well and the students had difficulties in doing the activities. Those difficulties also could be seen in the following interviews. R : Ok. Menurut adik pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris hari ini bagaimana? Ok. What do you think about English lesson today? S1 : Ya…bisa. Yes…I can. R : Ada kendala atau kesulitan nggak dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris hari ini? Is there any obstacle or difficulty in learning English today? S1 : Ya, ada Yes, there is. R : Kendalanya apa? What is your difficulty? S1 : Kalau mengerjakan itu harus ada rumusnya, susah… Some exercises that were given have to use formula or tenses. It was difficult for me. R : O, berarti terkait grammar ya. So, it is related to the grammar. R : Kalau kosakata atau vocabulary-nya gimana? 59 How about the vocabulary? S1 : Ya, masalahnya sama. I have the same problem R : Jadi suka nggak hafal gitu ya.. You cannot memorize it well, can you? R : Kalau misal disuruh berdialog atau maju ke depan biasanya langsung mau atau gak? If you are asked to practice dialogue in front of class, do you respond it immediately? S1 : Ya, langsung. Yes, I do. R : Tanpa malu-malu? Atau kadang-kadang malu? Without feeling shy? Or sometimes feeling shy? S1 : Ya, kadang-kadang malu. Sometimes I feel shy. R : Biasanya kan malu, terus biasanya itu kenapa? Why are you feeling shy? S : Grogi. I am nervous. R : Pernah merasa kesulitan dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris? Did you ever have difficulty in English lesson? S2 : Pernah Yes, I did. R : Itu tentang apa? What was it about? S2 : Itu mbak,emm.. Simple present tense. It was about simple present tense. S2 : OK, berarti terkait grammar ya? OK. It was related to grammar, right? R : Kalau kosakatanya bagaimana? How about the vocabulary? S2 : Kosakatanya agak..nggak paham I think, I don’t understand it well. R : Tadi pas disuruh maju ke depan gimana ada nervousnya atau gimana? When your teacher asked you to practice, are you nervous or not? S2 : Ya nervous. I am nervous R : Itu kenapa? Why are you nervous? S2 : Ya, nggak PD aja. I do not have any confidence. R : Nggak PD-nya kenapa? Why you do not have any confidence? S2 : Karena belum fasih bahasa Inggrisnya. Because I can’t speak English fluently. 60

R: Researcher Ss: Students