Elements of Speaking Speaking


c. Elements of Speaking

If the students want to be able to communicate in English well, they need to be able to master some aspects of speaking. The ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language on the spot. The students have to be able to pronounce the words correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation, and use a language in a range of different genres and situations Harmer, 2001:269. Harmer 2001:269 states that there are some elements that are necessary for spoken production. The elements are called language features. They are as follows: 1 Connected speech Effective speakers of English need to be able not only to produce the individual phonemes of English but also to use fluent connected speech. In connected speech sounds are modified, omitted, added, or weakened. It is important to engage the students in activities designed to improve their connected speech ability. 2 Expressive devices The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey meanings. They allow the extra expression of emotion and intensity. The students should be able to deploy at least some of such supra segmental features and devices in order to communicate well. 17 3 Lexis and grammar Teachers should therefore supply a variety of phrases for different functions such as greeting, thanking, leave-taking, agreeing or disagreeing, expressing sympathy, and etc. So, the students can produce some useful phrases at various stages of interaction. 4 Negotiation language Effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language that speakers use to seek for clarification and to show the structure of what speakers are saying. This is crucial for students. They sometimes need to ask for clarification when they are listening to their friends. As stated above that the students need to have knowledge of language features in order to communicate well, the rapid processing skills are also necessary. Furthermore, Harmer 2001:271 states that the other element of speaking is a mental or social processing. They are as follows: 1 Language processing A language processing is a process to convey the intention of the speaker and also to process the words or phrases from memory to communicate with people. It helps students to develop habits of English rapid language processing. 2 Interacting with others Effective speaking also involves a good deal of listening, knowing how other participants are feeling, and a knowledge of how linguistically to take turns or allow others to do so. 18 3 Information processing It is related to how to response others’ feelings. A good communicator has to give response as quick as possible when processing information from other speaker.

3. Teaching Speaking to Adolescent