Reflection Reports on Cycle 2

112 scores’ board. The opportunity was given to the students who want to present some vocabulary items review. In the end of teaching learning process, the materials were reviewed, made a conclusion and asked the students about their feeling while practicing of speaking in group and playing a drama. They said that they were happy. Then, the researcher closed the lesson, said goodbye and said Salam. The teaching and learning process of the three meetings could be said to be valid since it was done corresponding to the concept of process and catalytic validity. The process validity was fulfilled by gathering the data through more than one technique, i.e. observation, interview and discussion with the collaborator. It was supported by some data sources, such as field notes and interview transcripts. The catalytic validity was fulfilled by giving opportunities to the students and collaborator to give their opinion dealing with the action implemented. Besides, the result of the action was reliable because it was in line with the concept of time triangulation.

c. Reflection

In the Cycle 2, the jigsaw technique was also applied in speaking activities for the students. In each meeting, the jigsaw technique was used to accommodate students’ speaking practice in line with the language function that would be taught. During the activities, the students needed stimulation by applying some enjoyable activities like role play, game, competition, and drama to encourage their motivation to speak more. Some supporting actions above helped to maintain 113 the students’ interest and participation in speaking class by using the jigsaw technique. The implementation of the jigsaw technique and some supporting actions in this cycle sustained the students’ participation in speaking class by using the jigsaw technique. They were still enthusiastic to join the activities and to practice speaking. The game, role play, competition and drama were effective to make the students speak up in ‘homebase group’. Moreover, the students were asked to use the language functions throughout the activities. The students were interested when it aimed to collect the most points. They considered that the speaking activities were fun. It can also be seen in the following data. R :Bagaimana perasaannya setelah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan teknik jigsaw tadi yang barusan mbak praktekkan? How was your feeling after learning English with using the jigsaw technique that I just applied? S15:Seneng, dapet ilmu juga. Bahasa Inggris itu awalnya saya pikir tidak menantang. Tapi tadi rasanya seneng tambah ilmu. Tambah nge-dong dengan bahasa Inggris. I was happy and I could get knowledge too. I thought that English was not challenging. But, I was happy because of getting more knowledge. I felt more understand about English. S3 :Seneng, tambah pengetahuan. Terus, ada kelompok-kelompok-an gitu.Kalau kita nggak tahu, terus temennya tahu, itu bisa saling sharing. I was happy and I got more knowledge. In addition, we worked in groups. If we did not know about something, we could ask to the other friends. S26:Seneng, semangat, terus kerja bareng-bareng, dapet smiley…I was happy and enthusiastic. I could cooperate with other friends and got the smiley too. R :Berarti Adek seneng ya dengan teknik pembelajaran tadi? So, were you happy with teaching-learning technique? All :Ya. Yes. … 114 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R : Tadi Adik terlibat aktif nggak dalam kelompoknya? Misalnya: menjawab pertanyaan atau mengisi group work tadi? Did you participate actively in your group, like answered the questions or did the group work? S15: Ya. Yes. R :Kalau boleh tahu dalam hal apa? In what condition that you participated? S15: Tadi pas ngisi jawaban yang ada could, should, can modal. I participated when trying to answer questions about could, should, can modal more active than last week. S3 :Terlibatnya pas ikut ngisi yang disuruh buat dialog. I involved in making a dialogue. S26: Terlibat pas ikut jawab pertanyaan.I involved in answering questions. S29: Terlibat, pas waktu maju ke depan untuk dapat smiley. I involved when trying to get ‘smiley’.

R: Researcher Ss: Students