Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 12, Appendix E Researcher Ss: Students Researcher Ss: Students

119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S1 :Sedikit-sedikit. Tapi menata bahasanya masih belum baik. Yes, a little bit. But, I thought that I did not arrange the words well yet. R : Tapi sudah mulai lancar dibandingkan sebelumnya? Did you speak more fluent than before? S1 : Ya. Yes. S3 : Sedikit-sedikit, artinya itu saya banyak yang belum tahu. Yes, a little bit. I did not know much the meaning of words. S26 :Sudah ada peningkatan sedikit mbak. There was a little bit improvement, Miss. S29 : Ya, sudah lebih baik dibandingkan sebelumnya. Yes, it was better than before.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 11, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk kelancaran atau fluency mereka dalam berbicara di depan atau dalam bermain drama tadi, menurut Ibu bagaimana? How did the students’ fluency when they were speaking or playing a drama? T: Kalau yang pas berbicara di depan kelas tadi hanya satu kelompok saja yang kelihatan bingung, yang lainnya sudah bagus, sudah mulai tahu dan mengerti, O…ceritanya tentang ini…. There was only one group which looked confused when they were speaking. The others were good. They had already known and understood about the story. …

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 14, Appendix E

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Bisa diceritakan kondisi dan hasil pengamatan Ibu selama KBM di kelas tadi? Could you tell me about the condition and observation result during teaching-learning process? T: Sudah mengalami peningkatan, lumayan. Anak-anak sudah di-drill, sudah dikasih tahu bagaimana membaca yang benar, kemudian membuat dialog dan sebagainya. Well, it was not too bad I thought. The students’ speaking skills had been improved. The students had drilled, known how to pronounce the words, made a dialogue, and etc. R: Kalau pada saat mereka latihan tadi, bagaimana Ibu melihat fluency dan grammar mereka? How did their fluency and grammar when they were practicing? T: Sudah cukup baik, sudah ada peningkatan dari pertemuan-pertemuan yang sebelumnya. Their fluency and grammar were good enough. There was a better progress than some meetings before.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 12, Appendix E

120 The next improvement was on students’ vocabulary. Their vocabulary mastery was better compared to theirs in the Cycle 1. In the first meeting 90.63 of them could use the words in the language function. As the use of accompanying actions in the jigsaw technique helped them in memorizing the vocabulary more easily, more students performed the indicator in the next meetings. The following data presented their improvement on vocabulary. R :Apakah temen-temen dapat banyak kosakata baru hari ini? Bisa kasih contohnya? Did you get many vocabulary items today? Could you tell me what they were? S15: tonight…. S29: volume…

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 11, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R :Dari awal mbak mengajar kalian sampai hari ini ada kemajuan nggak dalam speaking kalian? From the beginning I taught you, was there any progress in your speaking? S26: Ada. Yes, there was. S5 : Ada. Yes, there was. R : Yang paling terlihat apa? What was the most raised? S26: Kalau ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris sudah lumayan lancar. I was speaking more fluently. S5 : Bicaranya sudah mulai lancar sedikit. I spoke a little bit fluent already. S10: Vocabulary-nya sudah lumayan banyak. Pas ngomong jadi sedikit terbantu. I had rich vocabulary items. It helped me to speak. S13: Sudah mulai meningkat vocab-nya yang belum tahu jadi tahu, terus kalimat2 tanya, pengucapannya juga. There were improvement in vocabulary, question words, and pronunciation.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 13, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R :Kalau untuk vocabulary-nya? How was your vocabulary? S8 :Sudah dapat banyak. Misalnya:suicide. I got many vocabulary items, like suicide. S17 :Ya dapat banyak, apalagi ditambah dengan yang pertemuan-pertemuan kemarin. Yes, I got many vocabulary items and it added with the previous meeting. S24: Dapat banyak dari film tadi juga. I got many vocabulary items from the movie too. 121 The next improvement was on students’ pronunciation. In the first meeting, there were 84.38 students pronounced the words correctly. In the third meeting, there were 93.75 students who performed this indicator. It meant that the students’ pronunciation was improved. The following interviews also showed the students’ improvement on pronunciation. The second problem that emerged during Cycle 1 was students’ grammar accuracy in using the language functions. The students’ accuracy in using the language functions could be improved in Cycle 2 by implementing the jigsaw R : Kalau untuk pronunciation bagaimana? How was the pronounciation? S15:Ya, jadi banyak tahu, kalau kata ini begini cara ngomongnya. They knew more how pronounce some words. S1 : Teryata gak hanya volume, tapi ada stress-nya. Ada nada-nadanya juga. It was not only volume but also there was a stress. There was intonation too.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 11, Appendix E