Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 8, Appendix E

86 S13: Di PD-PD-in aja.I was confident.

R: Researcher Ss: Students

Interview 4, Appendix E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R :Bagaimana perasaannya setelah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan teknik jigsaw tadi yang barusan mbak praktekkan? How was your feeling after learning English by using the jigsaw technique? S1 : Seneng…tambah ilmu juga, tambah pengalaman, ya intinya seneng. I was happy..I got more knowledge and more experiences. S15:Seneng karena bisa bersosialisasi lebih. I was happy because I could take a part with others. S24: Seneng juga, ada deg-degan juga karena belum lancar bicara bahasa Inggris. Tapi cara pembelajarannya asyik, beda kayak biasanya.. I was happy, I was excited too because I was not fluent enough in speaking English. However, the technique was fun, it was different than before. S23:Sama aja sih, tambah ilmu, sukanya kita bisa bersosialisasi. Almost the same with others, I got more knowledge, I could take a part with others. S4 : Seneng mbak….nggak seperti biasanya, rame bisa, cerewet bisa… I was happy, Miss. It was different, I could speaking and chatting with friends. …. R : Tadi pas tadi diminta untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris apakah sudah merasa PD? When your friend asked for you to speak English, Did you feel confident enough? S1 : PD banget. I was very confident. S15: Baru setengah sih, karena masih belum lancar.Just a half, because I was not so fluent. R : Tapi kepercayaan dirinya sudah mulai timbul kan? Did your confidence arouse step-by-step? S15: Ya. Yes. S24: baru 50. Just fifty percents S23:Lumayan. That was not bad. S4 :Kalau aku sih PD-PD aja, walaupun belum tahu tetap PD aja. I was confident although I did not know.

R: Researcher Ss: Students Interview 6, Appendix E

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R: Kalau untuk confidence-nya bagaimana Bu tadi? How was about their confidence, Ma’am? T: Confidence-nya sudah bagus, semua bersemangat untuk maju, malah berebut. Jadi kepercayaan dirinya sudah mulai meningkat. Their confidence was good. All of the students were interested to come in front of the class. So, their confidence was improved.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 8, Appendix E

87 During the implementation the students had performed the indicators of speaking aspects, i.e. comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. The students who had achieved the indicators in every meeting could be seen in Appendix F. Here is the table that presented the number of students who achieved each indicator in Cycle 1. Table 8: The Number of Students Who Achieved Each Indicator in Cycle 1 Indicators Number of Students Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Average ∑ ∑ ∑ Comprehension 22 68.75 26 86.67 27 90 81.80 Fluency 5 15.63 5 16.67 8 26.67 19.66 Vocabulary 13 40.63 20 66.67 23 76.67 61.32 Pronunciation 9 28.13 18 60 22 73.33 53.82 Grammar 5 15.63 10 33.33 12 40 29.65 From the table, it could be inferred that during Cycle 1 there was improvement in all aspects. The students’ good improvements lied on their comprehension, vocabulary and pronunciation. However, most of the students still got problems in fluency and grammar. The observation result on those aspects in Cycle 1 was elaborated as follows. The number of students who comprehended the language functions and instructions were increased. In the first meeting 68.75 of the students performed the indicator. In the second meeting 86.67 and third meeting also increased into 90. The students’ comprehension on the language function could be seen from their responses to the language functions that were taught and their 88 response toward the instructions that were given. During those meetings, all of the students gave appropriate responses to the taught language functions and the instructions. The outcome could also be seen in the following field notes and interview. R: Kalau Ibu lihat dari 5 aspek, ada comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, yang paling menonjol dari kegiatan siswa tadi apa Bu? When you saw from five aspects, there were comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, Which one was dominant? T: Pronunciation, saya pikir. Pengucapannya….sama ini….comprehension juga sudah lumayan. Pronunciation, I think. The comprehension also was good enough. R: Pronunciation sama comprehension-nya sudah mulai ada peningkatan ya Bu. So, pronunciation and comprehension had been improved already. T: Ya.Yes.

R: Researcher T: English Teacher Interview 5, Appendix E