Standard of Competence Basic Competence Key Vocabulary: Opening Pre-teaching Warming up Main Activity A.

LESSON PLAN School : SMP N 8 YOGYAKARTA Grade : VIII Semester : I Skill : Speaking Subject : English Meeting : 1 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standards

A. Standard of Competence

3. Expressing meaning of short and simple transactional and interpersonal conversation to interact in daily life contexts.

B. Basic Competence

3.1 Expressing meaning in simple transactional to get things done and interpersonal to socialize conversations in various spoken forms accurately ,fluently, and acceptable to interact in daily life contexts with the use of language functions such as asking, giving, and refusing services, asking, giving, and refusing things, accepting and denying facts, and asking and giving opinions.

II. Learning objectives

Students are able to use the expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing goodsservices in the class through pair work activities with intelligible pronunciation and grammar.

III. Indicators

A. Indicators

1. Students are able to pronounce words related to the class with correct stress e .g table, chair, book, pen, eraser, etc 2. Students are able to utter expressions of asking for, giving, and refusing goodsservices in the class with correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 3. Students are able to use the pattern of asking for, giving and refusing goodservices in the class with correct grammar. 4. Students can use the expressions of asking for, giving and refusing goodsservices in class through pair work activities with intelligible pronunciation and grammar.

IV. Learning Materials

1. Language Functions

Input: 1. A short dialogue of asking for, giving, and refusing goodsservices in the class. Rudi : Ton, may I borrow your pencil? I lost mine. Tono : Sure, mine is on my table . Rudi : OK, I‘ll take it. Thanks Tono : Your pencil is blunt, can I borrow your sharpener? Rudi : Certainly, here you are. Tono : Thanks. Rud, can you lend me your English book ? Rudi : Sorry, I‟m using it right now. Tono : Well, it‘s OK 2. Asking for, giving and refusing goodservices in the class.

2. Key Vocabulary and Key Grammar

A. Key Vocabulary:

Noun: chair, table, pen, book, white board, black board, board marker, ruler, etc. Verb: take, help, could, would, use, sit, ask, clean, want, agree. Adjective: bored, full, happy, bad, cool, simple, etc.

B. Key grammar:

1. Simple Present tense: -S + to be is , am, are + O+ Adv - S+V1+Adv This pen is mine. He plays badminton at school yard. 2. Can you, could you, will you, would you are all followed by base form of the verb. Would you mind is followed by the –ing form. To agree with the request negative is needed. e. g. Would you mind cleaning the table? No, not at all.

3. Media and Sources

Equipment: Laptop, LCD, Projector, Whiteboard, Board marker, etc Media: video of conversations, card of situation, handout Sources: 1. Function in English 2. Oxford Advanced learner‘s dictionary 3. keep talking 4. Scaffolding English For Junior High School Students Grade VIII, Joko Priyana, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008, Unit 1. 5. English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School SMPMTs, Artono Wardiman, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008, Chapter 1. 6. Real objects in the classroom realia.

4. Communicative Activities

Exchanging goodsservices in the class based on cards of situation in pairs provided by cards of situation.

V. Learning Method Technique

PPP Presentation, Practice, Production

VI. Procedures Stages of Teaching-learning for 20 minutes

A. Opening Pre-teaching

1. Establishing the rapport a Greeting. b Praying. c Checking student‘s attendance. d Warming up by giving questions leading to the topic. Questions : Answer it orally 1. What does the boy ask to his friend? 2. What does the boy probably say to help him to buy the ticket to his friend? 3. What is probably his friend response?

B. Warming up

Today, we‘re going to learn asking for, giving and refusing goodsservices in class, orally. Look at the picture and discuss the questions with your friends orally. Sure..Here you are… May I borrow your pen, please? And in the end of this lesson, hopefully you will be able to use the expressions of asking for, giving and refusing goodsservices in class through pair work activities with intelligible pronunciation and grammar.

C. Main Activity A.

Presentation 1. Teacher shows the slide and video about asking for, giving, and refusing goodsservices 2. Teacher asks students to share some words related to the topic. 3. Teacher provides ask and answer section related to the words and look for the meaning of each word. 4. Teacher asks students to see the provided dialogues Task 1

B. Practice