Giving Feedbacks for Students

well. The complete description could be seen in vignette. It could be described through the following interview transcript. A. R: Bagaimana pelajaran bahasa Inggris hari ini? ‗How was the English lesson today?‘ S2: Sangat menyenangkan mister. ‗It‘s fun, Mister.‘ S3: Gak bosenin sir dan gak kerasa dah habis jamnya.‗It‘s not boring and I enjoyed the time.‘ S6: Lumayan ga boring sih sir. ‗It‘s fun and I don‘t feel bored.‘ B. R: Aktivitas apa yang paling menarik yang kita lakukan hari ini? ‗What was the most interesting activity of the day ?‘ S4: Nonton minion sir…‗When we watch a Minion movie Sir.‘ S7: Lihat video percakapan Bule tadi sir. ‗When we watch the foreigner‘ conversation Sir.‘ S5: Pas maju kedepan praktek ngomong tadi sir. ‗When we practiced speaking in front of the class Sir.‘ Interview transcript, October 2, 2013 Students were groups and I could not always watch all of them at the same time; I then c ould not fully control the students‘ production and correct their mistakes. However, I monitored all groups and took the time to sit and listen to the students while they were speaking and gave corrections, remark, praise and sometimes jokes.

e. Giving Feedbacks for Students

Based on the previous observation, the English teacher rarely gave feedback to students. He did not really notice when the students made mistakes, such as accuracy or pronunciation mistakes. He did not respond to the students‘ mistakes. He just answered the students when they asked him some vocabulary questions. He did not try to make students able to talk spontaneously and accurately. However, as planned, I gave feedback for students‘ accuracy and pronunciation in every meeting in cycle I. The feedback was given during the lesson covering the opening, main and closing activities. The feedback was usually given when students made mistakes or errors. I conducted the vocabularies exercise to enrich the students‘ vocabularies and he also gave the opportunity for students to practice pronouncing the vocabularies. I corrected the students‘ pronunciation and gave the correct example of the pronunciation by writing the pronunciation transcriptions for vocabularies which the students found difficult to pronounce. I then asked the students to repeat after him. In the next meetings the students made fewer mistakes in pronouncing the vocabularies and they were able to speak more fluently by trying to make sentences using the vocabularies they got in each meeting. They also made fewer mistakes in pronouncing the words. They were quite enthusiastic when they had the pronunciation practice and the mistakes on pronouncing the sentences were reduced. The accuracy feedback was also given when the students made mistakes. At first they were not really confident but then they became more confident and they enjoyed the activity where they had to always speak in English. They also knew that making mistakes was something normal. I created a friendly and warm atmosphere. Later, the students could correct their mistakes and the other students also helped correct the mistakes so that the atmosphere was very supporting and they enjoyed the class very much. When the students mispronounced the words, I asked the students to correct the pronunciation. If the students found difficulties in correcting their mistakes, I usually asked the other students to correct their mistakes, or I directly corrected the mistakes. It could be seen that the feedback could help the students know their mistakes but also could improve students‘ confidence in speaking English. They became more aware of their accuracy and they also tried not to repeat the same mistakes again. I also kept reminding the students by giving feedbacks. It can be described as the following interview transcript. R : Kalau disuruh maju ngomong bahasa Inggris atau maju perform dialog pakai bahasa Inggris percaya diri apa gak? ‗If I ask you to speak English or performing a dialogue in English, are you confident? ‘ S1: Sedikit PD mister.. ‗A bit confident Sir.‘ S3: Gak PD sir,malu sama temen kalo salah. ‗I‘m not confident sir, I‘m afraid making mistakes.‘ S6: PD aja sir kan dah diajari dulu sebelumnya. ‗Of course, I‘m confident since we already learned before.‘ R: Kalau sendiri percaya diri gak? ‗If you practice alone, are you confident?‘ S5: Belum sir.. ‗Not yet sir.‘ S7: Dicoba dulu sir,kayaknya PD deh. ‗I‘ll try first sir, I think I‘am confident.‘ S4: Tetep PD donk sir,, ‗Of course, I‘m confident sir.‘ Interview transcript, October 4, 2013

f. Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Vocabulary and