Communicating the Objectives of the Lessons to the Students

they could understand almost all of my explanation. However, the code-switching was also necessary when the students felt a bit confused about the materials. The following interview transcript also d escribes the students‘ feeling toward the classroom English. R: Kalau menggunakan bahasa Inggris selama pelajaran,kamu paham gak? ? ‗Do you understand if we use English routines during the teaching and learning processes? ‘ S1: Dikit-dikit paham sir. ‗I understand just a little.‘ S4: Paham asal pelan-pelan dan bahasa inggrisnya gak sulit. ‗I understand but should be carefull and use a simple English. ‘ S5: Diselingi bahasa Indonesia aja sir,biar gak pusing,hehe. ‗You have to mix English with Indonesia n translation Sir, in order to make it easier.‘ R: Materinya susah atau mudah? ‗The material is easy or difficult?‘ S1: Mudah kog sir. ‗It‘s easy Sir.‘ S2: Lumayan mudah mister. ‗It‘s quite easy, Mister.‘ S5: Cukup mudah sir materinya. ‗The material is quite easy, Sir.‘ Interview transcript, September 20, 2013

b. Communicating the Objectives of the Lessons to the Students

As stated before, I communicated the objectives of the lesson in every meeting in cycle I through interactions so that the students knew what they were going to learn and the objectives that they needed to accomplish. It was different from their teacher because he was not used to communicate the objectives of the lessons to the students. He directly asked the students to do the tasks so that they did not seem to be ready and motivated to join the activities. It made the students confused about the objectives of the lesson and what they had to accomplish. In cycle I, I always had some lead-in activities or interaction to direct the students into certain topics and certain language functions that they needed to perform. After having the lead-in activities, then I communicated the objectives of the study. I began to invite some students to give their comments and I then delivered the objective of the lessons. By personalizing the questions, having lead-in activities, and contextualizing the materials and the language functions that they needed to learn, the students became more aware of the importance of the objective of the lessons as well as the language functions. The activities could also serve to gather the students‘ attention and they had more concentration on the materials explained. They also understood what they had to practice and the use of the language function in their daily life, due to the context provided. They said that knowing the objectives of the learning is important. Generally, it was effective to motivate the students to learn as well as to deepen students‘ understanding of the lesson. It could be seen from the following transcript. R: Kalau tujuan pembelajarannya disampaikan terlebih dahulu apakah bisa membantumu dalam memahami pelajaran? ‗If I tell you the objective of the lesson, can it help you to understand the lesson? ‘ S1: Sangat membantu mister. ‗It‘s so helpful, Mister.‘ S2: Membantu sir,jadi kita gak bingung. ‗It‘s helpful Sir, so we will not confuse.‘ S3: Membantu banget mister,jadi langsung tau apa yang akan dipelajari dan ngapain aja. . ‗Yes it‘s very helpful, so I know what I am going to learn.‘ Interview transcript, September 20, 2013

c. Conducting Pre-Communicative Activities