activities which could make the learning enjoyable for the students. I became more reflective since he must reflect to herself to change the students to be better.

B. Implications

Based on the discussion of the research, it can be implied that communicative activities can be used to improve students‘ speaking skills. The implications of the actions are as follows: 1. The use of communicative activities in the form of games could improve students‘ motivation and active involvement during the teaching and learning process. It is because the use games in the teaching and learning process could incre ase students‘ enthusiasm. This implies that the teacher needs to use games in order to improve students‘ motivation and active involvement in the teaching and learning process. 2. The use of communicative activities in the form role plays could improve studen ts‘ speaking skills in terms of, fluency, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation accuracy, vocabulary and task. It was because the use of role plays could be used as models for the students in using certain expressions in certain situations. In addition, the roe plays were also accompanied by some activities enabling students to practice the expressions they had learnt from the role plays in the different situations. This implies that the teacher needs to use role plays in order to improve students‘ speaking skills. 3. Understanding the students is the basic requirement for the teachers to improve the students‘ speaking skills. 4. The teachers need to realize that they teach to serve the students so that there will be empathy between the teachers and the students. Therefore, it will create a good atmosphere that makes the students learn at ease. 5. It is better for the teachers to work collaboratively because the teachers can get criticism and suggestions to improve the teaching and learning processes better. Moreover, by working collaboratively the can see alternatives and share ideas to make those processes run more effectively. 6. Based on the reflections of the actions, it could be seen that there were some successful and unsuccessful actions in the use of communicative activities as the method in the teaching and learning process. This implies that the researcher needs to provide more varied communicative activities to enhance students‘ speaking skills to improve his teaching ability.

C. Suggestions