Observations Interviews Taking Photographs Making Journals

The data related to students‘ speaking skills were obtained by conducting classroom observations, interviews and also taking photographs. The data were gathered at grade VIII.2 SMPN 8 Yogyakarta. The data collections were described as follows:

1. Observations

The observations were conducted by the collaborators in every meeting in cycle I and cycle II. It was done to observe the teaching and learning process in grade VIII.2. The observations were done using the observation checklistguide. The collaborators observed and then recorded the observations in the form of field notes during the implementation of the actions.

2. Interviews

Interviews were conducted during the implementation of the actions. The collaborators and the students of grade VIII.2 SMPN 8 Yogyakarta were interviewed related to the effectiveness of communicative activities applied in speaking class after every meeting of cycle I and cycle II. The interviews were done with the interview guide as the instrument. The interviews were recorded in the form of interview transcripts.

3. Taking Photographs

Photographs related to the teaching and learning process were also taken during the implementation of the actions by the collaborators. The collaborators took many photographs during the actions. However, the collaborators and I only selected some clear photographs to be attached on the appendix. The photographs were used as evidence about what happened during the actions.

4. Making Journals

The journals consisted of teaching journals and also learning journals. The teaching journals was in the form of reflections from me as the teacher related to my way of teaching, the situation of the class, the activities that had been of conducted, the participation of the students etc. The learning journals were filled by students by giving comments related to the activities whether those were interesting or not, difficult or not, and other feelings related to teaching and learning processes in written form. The journals were completed at the end of every meeting in cycle I and cycle II.

D. Validity and Reliability of the Data