Laila‘s brother : Hello, who‘s there? Laila : Hi, it‘s me, Laila. Can you help me? Laila‘s brother: Sure. What can i do for you? Laila : Would you take my English book to school for me, please? Laila‘s brother: Okay, which one is it? Laila : It‘s the green one. There is a sunflower picture on it. Laila‘s brother: Where did you leave it? Laila : I left it on the red couch. Laila‘s brother : All right. Is there something dialogue with a partner. 2.Student discusses the questions. 3.Students are asked to practice pronouncing the words on the handout related to the topic. 4.Some pairs of students read the dialogue aloud. 5.Students are asked voluntarily and orally tell the correct answer.

F. Production

1.Students are asked else? Laila‘s : No, thank you. See you later. Laila‘s brother: See you. to make a dialogue based on the provided situation. 2.Students perform the dialogue in front of the class in pairs. 3.Teacher gives feedback. Closing : Summarizing, giving the further guidance and reflecting EFFORTS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS‟ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES: A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARH AT GRADE VIII OF SMP N 8 YOGYAKARTA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 20132014 STANDARD COMPETENCE 3. Expressing meaning of short and simple transactional and interpersonal conversation to interact in daily life contexts. BASIC COMPETENCE 3.1 Expressing meaning in simple transactional to get things done and interpersonal to socialize conversations in various spoken forms accurately ,fluently, and acceptable to interact in daily life contexts with the use of language functions such as asking, giving, and refusing services, asking, giving, and refusing things, accepting and denying facts, and asking and giving opinions. CYCLE 2. First : at Restaurant INDICATORS LEARNING MATERIALS TEACHING ACTIVITIES COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS KEY VOCABULARY AND KEY GRAMMAR MEDIA AND SOURCES - Students are able to pronounce words related to the restaurant with correct stress e .g table, chair, menu, noodle, burger, order, waiter, etc - Students are able to utter expressions of asking for, giving, and Language Function: Asking for, giving and refusing goodservices in the restaurant. Input: A short dialogue of asking for, giving, and refusing goodsservices in the restaurant. Key Vocabulary: Noun: chair, table, fried rice, noodle, rice, bread, coffee, cheese, cake, ice cream, ice tea, waiter, water, menu, etc. Verb: take, help, could, would, order, sit, ask, clean, want, offer, serve, fry, eat, drink, walk, sweep, etc. Adjective: bored, full, Media: Video of conversations, menu, card of situation, , an order book, handout Sources : -Function in English Warming up

G. Presentation

1. Teacher shows the slide and video about asking for, giving, and refusing goodsservices Exchanging goodsservices in the restaurant based on cards of situation, menu and order book in pairs provided by cards of situation. refusing goodsservices in the rstaurant with correct stress, rhythm and intonation. - Students are able to use the pattern of asking for, giving and refusing goodservices in the restaurant with correct grammar. -Students can use the expressions of asking for, giving and refusing goodsservices in the restaurant through pair work activities with intelligible pronunciation and grammar. Expressions : Waiter : Hello, Can I help you? Kim : Yes, Id like to have some lunch. Waiter : Would you like a starter? Kim : Yes, Id like a bowl of chicken soup, please. Waiter : And what would you like for a main course? Kim : Id like a grilled cheese sandwich. Waiter : Would you like anything to drink? Kim : Yes, Id like a glass of Coke, please. Waiter... After Kim has her lunch. : Can I bring you anything else? Kim : No thank you. Just the bill. Waiter : Certainly. hungry, thirsty, bad, cool, simple, spicy, etc. Key grammar: -Simple Present tense: -S + to be is ,am, are + O+ Adv - S+V1+Adv This coffee is mine. He eats my noodle. -Can you, could you, will you, would you are all followed by base form of the verb. Would you mind is followed by the –ing form. To agree with the request negative is needed. e. g. Would you mind passing that sugar,please? No, not at all. -Oxford Advanced learner‘s dictionary -keep talking 2.Teacher asks students to share some words related to the topic. 3.Teacher provides ask and answer section related to the words and look for the meaning of each word. 4.Teacher asks students to see the provided dialogues Task 1

H. Practice

1.Students are asked to practice the dialogue with a partner.