Using Classroom English in Teaching and Learning Processes Communicating the Objectives of the Lessons Designing the Lesson Plans

R :Apakah kamu jadi lebih termotivasi untuk mengikuti pelajaran kalau ada reward nya? ‗Did you feel more motivated in joining the class activities if there were some rewards?‘ S7 :Iya, Sir, jadi kepingin dapet hadiah terus nih. ‗Yes sir, I got more eagerness to get rewards.‘ Interview transcript, November 23, 2013

3. Reflection

The collaborators and I shared the final reflections after implementing the actions in cycle II. Everyone participating in this research had ample opportunities to share their ideas, opinions and feelings related to the implemented actions. The reflections were based on the classroom observations and also interviews. Based on the discussions with collaborators in a democratic and dialogic atmosphere, the reflections can be summarized in the following description.

a. Using Classroom English in Teaching and Learning Processes

The use of classroom English seemed to be significant to improve students‘ speaking skills. It could be seen that the students were familiar with English words and expressions. It was also useful in creating an atmosphere in which the students were demanded that they should speak and use English during the class. I did not need to translate all of my explanation since the students already understood the explanation. However, I, as the teacher, made use of synonyms, gestures, simple sentences and a lot of examples to make sure that the students could really understand the explanation. All of the students could respond to my question when I asked them questions, or when I interacted with them in English, such as when they had lead-in activities and personalized questions, or when they had little chit-chat to create good rapport in the greeting. Besides, they looked confident to use the language functions for communications.

b. Communicating the Objectives of the Lessons

The objectives of the lessons were always communicated in cycle II. After being told, the students realized the importance of the objectives of the lessons. It could also give them the sense of direction; it directed the students‘ minds to the topic and language functions they would learn. They then understood the use of the language and when to use it. They could set their own target to succeed in accomplishing the goal of the learning. By telling about what they were going to learn to the students, it successfully motivated the students to participate in the activities.

c. Designing the Lesson Plans

By designing the lessons plans before conducting the class, I could have better preparation. This really helped me to conduct the teaching and learning process more smoothly and effectively. The lesson plan could also serve as the teacher‘s guidelines and reminders. I became more ready and prepared in directing the students. The explanation could be better delivered and the class activities could become more systematical. The time was better managed and the activities were better controlled. I became ready and prepared before conducting the class.

d. Conducting Pre-Communicative Activities