Giving Feedback for Students‟ Speaking Skills Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Students Using Media in teaching and Learning Processes

personality of the students mattered so much, since some students were very confident, some others were not. Some were very attentive and some were not. Their English ability was also various. Some students still felt that they could not keep up with their friends. I should give more opportunities for these students and should not let other students dominate the class. Another problem was that the teacher did not control the class very well especially when they were grouped, so that some students were noisy and they talked about other issues which were not relevant to the lesson.

f. Giving Feedback for Students‟ Speaking Skills

During cycle I, the students used English to interact in the classroom. The tasks were designed to give them ample opportunities to practice their English and to use it for communication. However, when the students found it difficult to convey their meaning, the teacher usually asked them to simplify their sentences and guided them by providing simple translation to deliver what they meant. When they made pronunciation mistakes, I corrected the students. The students became aware that they made mistakes and they needed to correct themselves. If the students could not correct their mistakes, I asked the other students to correct them. They realized that they needed not only to talk in English by using English vocabularies, but also to be able to arrange them into a correct sentence by paying attention to the accuracy and pronunciation. This was effective in improving their speaking skills without making them unconfident since the teacher always created a warm and friendly atmosphere and she also treated everyone in the class fairly. They then tried not to make mistakes and practices what they had learnt.

g. Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Students

Vocabulary and Pronunciation Check Giving them vocabulary enrichment and pronunciation drilling in every meeting in cycle I was very effective in helping students‘ improve their speaking skills, especially fluency and pronunciation. The students could use their vocabulary list when they wanted to use English. This could help them deal with their lack of vocabulary mastery which became one of the problems hampering them to speak autonomously. The pronunciation check also helped them improve their pronunciation besides the feedback that I always gave.

h. Using Media in teaching and Learning Processes

The use of media in cycle I was successful to stimulate students in learning English. The media could make the lesson more interesting and enjoyable and make the materials understandable. It could help students understand the use and function of the language in certain contexts and situations in their daily life. Besides, the media could not only provide gaps for communication but also could be as guidance for students in speaking English.

4. Revised Plan